
Bed bug bites can also potentially cause itching and even infection.

  8 Mei 2024 11:00

Brilio.net - A mattress is a piece of furniture that is usually used to support sleep so that it is more comfortable and restful. Even though it is usually placed in the room, the mattress also has the potential to get dirty, you know. This dirt usually comes from dust and spilled food and drinks. A room with minimal air circulation can also make the mattress damp.

Until finally the mites or bed bugs appeared. This insect can emerge from the crevices of the mattress and poses a risk of biting the skin. Bed bug bites can also potentially cause itching and even infection. To overcome this, some people choose to dry the mattress in the sun so that the fleas die.

But it turns out you don't just dry it in the sun , you also need to apply a trick to prevent bed bugs from appearing on the mattress again. This trick was shared by a netizen via the TikTok account @mamanaraff. Through one of his uploads, he admitted that he got rid of bed bugs by relying on simple ingredients, including those from the kitchen which were easily available.

After investigating, the material used was liquid detergent. The owner of the TikTok account also added one kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar as a mixture to repel bed bugs. At the beginning of the video, he reveals the condition of his mattress which is infested with fleas.

"Dry the spring bed mattress because it has mites. The mites are bed bugs. They suck blood and make it itchy. Maybe the cause is a damp room and lack of air circulation so it becomes a nest for mites. If you experience this, just dry it straight away and then spray it ," he said, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (8/5).

The surefire trick to get rid of bed bugs is to use an additional 1 kitchen ingredient.

First of all, take out the mattress and dry it in the sun. If so, prepare a medium-sized spray bottle. Pour 1 sachet of liquid detergent into the bottle. Also add 1 bottle of table vinegar. These two ingredients are ingredients that repel bed bugs.

surefire trick to get rid of bed bugs using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@mamanaraff

"Shake it so the ingredients are mixed," he explained.

surefire trick to get rid of bed bugs using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@mamanaraff

After mixing thoroughly, then spray the liquid onto the mattress that is being dried in the sun. Spray evenly over the entire surface of the mattress. Leave it until the mattress is dry. After being sprayed with this liquid, bed bugs die and will no longer appear on the mattress.

surefire trick to get rid of bed bugs using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@mamanaraff

Not only did he spray it on the mattress, the owner of the TikTok account also sprayed several corners of his room to prevent bed bugs from coming back.

"Don't forget to spray the room, bro," he added.

After that, the mattress is ready to be used again and the bed bugs are gone. So, are you interested in trying this trick?

@mamanaraff Drying the spring bed because there are #mites #mites #kutukasur #pembasmikutukasur #fluid pembasmikutukasur original voice - mama nara

How to treat itching caused by bed bug bites.

Itching from bed bug bites can be very annoying. Here are several ways to deal with the itching.

1. Avoid scratching.

Although the itching may be very annoying, avoid scratching the area affected by the bite. Scratching will only increase the irritation and risk infection.

2. Wash the area affected by the bite.

Clean the bite area with warm water and mild soap. This helps clean the area of germs and dust that can make irritation worse.

3. Cold compress.

Use a clean cloth dampened with cold water or ice cubes wrapped in a towel as a cold compress on the itchy area. This can help relieve inflammation and reduce itching.

4. Apply anti-itch cream.

Use an anti-itch cream or lotion that contains ingredients such as menthol, camphor, or hydrocortisone to relieve itching. Apply thinly to the area affected by the bite.

5. Use a warm compress.

If the itching persists, try a warm compress with warm water. This can help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

6. Consult a doctor.

If the itching persists or gets worse, consult a doctor or dermatologist. They can provide appropriate advice and treatment, including stronger oral or topical medications if needed.

7. Check and clean the bed.

Make sure to inspect and clean your bed thoroughly to remove bed bugs and their eggs. Wash bed linens and clothes in hot water to kill lice and their eggs.

8. Use protection.

Use sleep protection, such as an anti-bug mattress cover, to prevent future bed bug bites.
