foto: TikTok/@lauravisionx_x

The stains are gone, making the heart calm. But apparently the smell of urine is left behind? You have to know the right way to eradicate it, here.

  20 Maret 2024 19:00 - A mattress is definitely the most comfortable place to rest after a day of activities. However, sometimes mattresses also become targets for bed-wetting stains, whether by babies or pets at home. If it has been stained with bed urine, the mattress must be cleaned immediately before being used again.

However, there are times when a mattress that has been cleaned of urine stains still has a urine smell, you know. As a result, many people have to repeat the brushing or cleaning process one more time. This definitely adds homework (homework) because the mattress still has to be dried again afterwards.

Well, netizen on the TikTok account @lauravisionx_x has a secret to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress with one trick. After investigating, the trick to getting rid of the smell of urine on the mattress is simply to use two additional kitchen ingredients. In fact, this trick can be practiced without brushing the mattress at all, you know.

"It worked (This trick worked)," wrote the owner of the TikTok account @lauravisionx_x in his upload, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (20/3).

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress.

The first thing you have to prepare is a spray bottle. Then, fill the bottle with 1 cup hydrogen peroxide and 2 drops of essential oil. So, here are the main kitchen ingredients. You also have to mix this mixture with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 drops of dishwashing soap.

Directly spray the mixture onto the area of the mattress that smells of urine. Next, leave it for a few moments until the mattress is dry again.

Tricks to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lauravisionx_x

Once dry, it is guaranteed that there will be no urine smell left on the mattress. Finally, just vacuum or clean the remaining baking soda that is still left on the mattress.

Tricks to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lauravisionx_x

So, are you interested in trying this trick to get rid of the smell of urine on your mattress or do you have any other tricks? Taking a peek at @lauravisionx_x's TikTok upload which has been watched 117 thousand times, several netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

"Would it work for old stains? (Can it work for old stains, right?)," asked TikTok @Alicia Mendez and got the reply, "I'm not sure! I would imagine so; let me know! (I don't know yet ! But I think so, just try it and let me know, okay)."

@lauravisionx_x Omg #tiktokmademedoit #tiktokhack #howtocleanpeestain #peestain #tiktokhack #cleaninghack #momtok #momhack #fyp Summer - Aesthetic Sounds

How to treat faded clothes with baking soda.

Faded clothes usually end up becoming rags because they are no longer used. In fact, faded clothes can still be saved in a number of ways, one of which is using baking soda. Here's how to treat faded clothes with baking soda.

1. Preparation of materials.
- Prepare baking soda.
- Separate faded clothes from other clothes.

2. Prepare water.
- Fill a large tub or bowl with cold water.
- Make sure there is enough water to soak all faded clothes.

3. Add baking soda.
- Mix about 1/2 cup to 1 cup baking soda into the prepared water.
- Stir the water and baking soda until completely dissolved.

4. Soak clothes.
- Put faded clothes in the baking soda solution.
- Make sure all parts of the clothing are completely submerged.

5. Let it soak.
- Let the clothes soak in the baking soda solution for at least 1-2 hours. For best results, leave overnight.

6. Wash as usual.
- After soaking, wash the clothes as usual with the detergent you usually use.
- Be sure to check clothing labels for proper washing instructions.

7. Dry properly.
- Dry clothes in a shady place to prevent further fading.
- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for too long because it can cause further fading.

8. Check the results.
- After washing, check whether the color of the clothes has returned to normal or not.
- If there is still bleeding, you may need to repeat this process or find another solution.

9. Future prevention.
- To prevent future bleeding, consider separating dark and light colored clothing when washing.
- Use special clothing dyes designed to maintain the color of clothing.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.