
No need to use mosquito spray.

  7 Mei 2024 18:00

Brilio.net - The entry of mosquitoes into the house is really annoying. Apart from its bite which carries the risk of carrying disease, this animal also makes quite annoying buzzing sounds. But don't worry, because there are many tricks to get rid of mosquitoes .

One of the easiest ways is definitely to spray insect repellent or liquid. This trick can get rid of mosquitoes instantly. But the smell of smoke emitted by mosquito coils is quite annoying, especially for people who have sensitive respiratory organs.

So, to be safer and free from the smell of smoke, you can also get rid of mosquitoes with tricks using natural ingredients, you know. As shared by TikTok account user @saepudin5254, this man claims to have a trick for making simple mosquito repellent using just one kitchen ingredient.

"Mosquitoes will disappear and leave our bedroom," he wrote in a TikTok upload @saepudin5254, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (7/5).

Tricks for making simple and effective mosquito repellent with just 1 kitchen ingredient.

First prepare some lemongrass stalks. Yup, this one cooking spice is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick for making mosquito repellent. Cut the lemongrass and put it in a bowl.

Tricks for making simple and effective mosquito repellent with just 1 kitchen ingredient  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

Then pour enough clean water into the bowl containing the lemongrass. Then, to make the aroma stronger, sprinkle the mixture with enough eucalyptus oil.

Place this mosquito repellent mixture in areas of the house where mosquitoes often hide. The owner of the TikTok account @saepudin5254 explained that the mosquitoes automatically ran away after this concoction was placed because they didn't like the aroma, you know.

Reporting from ejournal.upi.edu, mosquitoes don't like the aroma of an active compound called citronellal produced by lemongrass.

Tricks for making simple and effective mosquito repellent with just 1 kitchen ingredient  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

So, are you interested in trying this trick or do you have other tricks for making your own mosquito repellent at home? Taking a peek at @saepudin5254's TikTok upload, even though it hasn't received comments from other netizens, this video has received enthusiasm from more than 2,000 viewers, you know.

@saepudin5254 makes mosquito repellent from natural ingredients #fyp #viral #natural #lemongrass #mosquito repellent #tips #creative original voice - Mang Uzep

Benefits of the aroma of lemongrass for health.

The aroma of lemongrass has several beneficial properties for health and well-being.

1. Relieves stress and anxiety.

The aroma of lemongrass can have a calming effect on the mind, helping to relieve stress and anxiety.

2. Increase concentration.

The smell of lemongrass is also believed to help improve focus and concentration, making it beneficial to use while studying or working.

3. Reduce pain.

Several studies show that lemongrass oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which can help reduce pain, both muscle pain and joint pain.

4. Helps digestion.

The aroma of lemongrass can stimulate digestion and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders such as bloating, nausea and stomach ache.

5. Repel insects.

The smell of lemongrass is also known to repel insects such as mosquitoes and flies, making it a good choice to use as a natural insect repellent.

6. Improve the immune system.

The antioxidant compounds in lemongrass can help improve the immune system, helping fight infection and disease.

7. Improve skin health.

The aroma of lemongrass can also be used in skin care products to help cleanse the skin and reduce dandruff.

Although the aroma of lemongrass can provide many benefits, it is important to remember that some people may have an allergic reaction to it. Always do a small test first before using large amounts, especially if you have a history of certain allergies.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.