foto: TikTok/@zetty.h ; TikTok/ - Lime leaves are often used in various dishes, both traditional and modern. Its distinctive citrus aroma provides a delicious taste that makes the food even more delicious. It is no wonder that many people always stock lime leaves at home.
If you store lime leaves in large quantities, their use can be more flexible whenever needed. However, it is important to pay attention to how to store them. Lime leaves are spices that are easy to wilt, even in a matter of days they can turn black and dry out.
Even though they are stored in the refrigerator, lime leaves are still susceptible to rotting faster. The cold temperature in the refrigerator can actually dry them out in a short time. When they are dry, lime leaves no longer emit their distinctive aroma when used for cooking.
In order not to dry quickly, some people choose a special storage method. One of them is by soaking the lime leaves in water in a jar. This method is considered to be able to maintain the freshness of the lime leaves longer.
However, if you use this method, the soaking water must be changed regularly so that the lime leaves do not rot or wilt more quickly.
In fact, there is another more practical method to keep lime leaves fresh for a long time. A TikTok user, @zetty.h, once shared a simple way to store lime leaves effectively.
With this method, lime leaves can last up to 3 months without losing their freshness. The green color is maintained, the texture does not dry out, and the aroma remains strong when used for cooking.
As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @zetty.h, the method is to store the lime leaves in the freezer. However, these lime leaves must be packed well so that they do not dry out when stored. Instead of using a jar or airtight container, she chose a small ziplock plastic.
photo: TikTok/@zetty.h
Prepare the lime leaves first and make sure the stems have been picked. Then wash until the lime leaves are completely clean. Then drain.
Well, you don't need to wait for the lime leaves to dry completely, as long as the leaves are no longer dripping water.
photo: TikTok/@zetty.h
Then immediately put the lime leaves into the ziplock plastic that has been prepared previously. It is better to put several sheets (for single use) into one ziplock plastic. Then close the ziplock until 3/4 tightly. Before it is completely closed tightly, remove the air in the plastic.
While removing, seal the ziplock until it is completely sealed. Make sure the lime leaves are stored in a tight and airtight vacuum, okay?
"The goal is so that we can save space in the freezer too," he explained.
photo: TikTok/@zetty.h
Next, immediately put this plastic into the freezer. TikTok user @zetty.h himself put it on the freezer door to make it easier to take. Then, if you want to use it, all you have to do is take a plastic container of orange leaves and open it.
photo: TikTok/@zetty.h
Benefits of lime leaves in cooking and health
In addition to giving a distinctive aroma to dishes, lime leaves also have various health benefits that are a shame to miss. Here are some of the main benefits of lime leaves:
1. Adds aroma and flavor to cooking
Lime leaves are often used in various dishes, such as soup, curry, rendang, soto, and various stir-fries. These leaves provide a distinctive fresh aroma, making food taste more delicious and appetizing.
2. Has antibacterial and antioxidant properties
Orange leaves contain natural antibacterial compounds that help maintain food hygiene and reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. In addition, its antioxidant content plays a role in fighting free radicals that can damage body cells.
3. Helps relieve coughs and flu
The fresh aroma of orange leaves is believed to help relieve flu symptoms, coughs, and nasal congestion. How to use it is by mixing orange leaves in warm tea or boiling them as an herbal drink.
4. Improves the digestive system
The natural content in lime leaves can help relieve digestive disorders, such as bloating and nausea. Chewing lime leaves or adding them to food is also believed to improve digestive health.
5. Repel insects naturally
The strong aroma of lime leaves is not only refreshing, but can also function as a natural insect repellent. Placing a few lime leaves around the kitchen or food cupboard can help repel ants and cockroaches.
With its various benefits, storing lime leaves in fresh condition is important so that they can be used for a long time. The right storage method, as explained earlier, will keep the quality of lime leaves green, fresh, and strong-smelling.