These changes are caused by exposure to sunlight, dust, and intensive use. SEE MORE...
Easy way to clean oven glass full of oil stains and make it shiny again like new, use 1 kitchen ingredient
Not by running water, this is the right way to clean burnt crust on a toaster
Just bought a new refrigerator? Do this simple trick to keep the freezer free from frost without special tools
This woman only used 1 piece of kitchen waste to overcome a nearly broken charger cable, netizens: is it really safe?
Apart from the refrigerator, this kitchen appliance also wastes electricity, see how to save on bills
How to clean a dirty, brownish cellphone casing, so it's clear again, just add 3 kitchen ingredients
An easy way to clean dirty charger cables, clean white like new again, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
Without egg shells, mothers' trick to sharpen the blades of this auto-sharpening blender using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without vinegar and baking soda, here's how to clean fan dust in 5 minutes using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need to dismantle it, the way you clean this fan only takes 30 minutes using 2 additional kitchen ingredients