
Hot water from boiling instant noodles is often thrown directly into the sink.

  29 November 2024 06:00

Brilio.net - When hunger strikes but you are too lazy to cook complicated dishes, instant noodles can be a solution to fill your stomach. There are two types of instant noodles, with or without sauce, or what is commonly called fried noodles. The water from boiling instant noodles without sauce is often thrown into the sink after cooking. However, this action is not always right.

According to information from gilmoreair.com, pouring hot water directly into the sink can be dangerous because not all pipes can withstand high temperatures. In addition, if the drain is dirty, hot water can worsen the problem and cause the sink pipe to clog.

This is because hot water entering the sink or drain will melt the remaining oil that is still stuck in it. When the oil freezes or hardens again, it can risk causing the oil to clot and block the flow of water in the sink drain. As a result, the water from the sink will be difficult to flow and will stagnate. If this problem occurs, it will be very difficult to clean the sink drain and may have to be dismantled.

Safe trick for pouring hot water down the sink  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@braynathanael

Therefore, before the sink gets clogged due to hot water, it can be prevented. One way is to know the trick of properly throwing hot water into the sink. This trick was shared by a content creator on TikTok named Brian. Brian is known for often creating content about household furniture that inspires many netizens, one of which is about this sink.

"Don't waste hot water in the sink. If you often cook noodles and waste hot water in the sink, reduce it, because it can clog your kitchen," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok/@braynathanael on Thursday (11/28).

The trick is to mix hot water with tap water first before pouring it into the sink. That way, the high temperature of the hot water can drop and can change to be cooler. After that, the water can be poured into the sink. In addition, you can also pour hot water at the same time while turning on the tap water so it's not complicated.

"First mix the hot water with tap water until the temperature drops, then pour it into the sink," explained Brian.

Safe trick for pouring hot water down the sink  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@braynathanael

Brian also explained, if you want the sink to be safer from clogging, you can use a tool called a grease trap. This tool is an addition to the sink that functions to collect the remaining oil or fat that is thrown away. So, the oil and fat that is collected can later be disposed of periodically. That way the sink can always be in a clean condition and not easily clogged.

"The way it works is, it separates the fat and water so that the fat doesn't clump and clog the pipe. The water goes to the gutter, the fat is collected in here, like a filter concept," said Brian.

Safe trick for pouring hot water down the sink  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@braynathanael

Do you usually still often throw away instant noodle water directly into the sink? From now on, try to imitate the trick that Brian usually practices so that your sink doesn't get clogged easily.

Watch on TikTok

"I thought that if I threw hot water in the sink it would actually make it clean because I thought the heat would melt the dirt in the pipe," said TikTok/@Rafly.

"I just found out that my mother said that there was a genie guarding the sink," said TikTok/@ .

"Oh, I thought hot water would clean the oil...," said TikTok/@Javaman2000.

"That's right, I don't know the theory, but I always feel that hot water is not good for the sink, so I always run the water when I use hot water," explained TikTok/@bambang.

"Ah, that's why Japanese people don't throw it in the sink," said TikTok/@Rey.
