YouTube/keluarga Errando

The mold stains on the mirror will not disappear if you just clean them with water and soap.

  8 Mei 2024 18:00 - Mirrors that are blurry because they are exposed to dust tend to be easy to clean. It's different if the mirror is blurry due to water droplets, these stains can become stubborn and moldy over time , you know. The mold stains on the mirror will not disappear if you just clean them with water and soap.

It's not surprising that many people deliberately buy special cleaning materials for glass to stock up on. That way, the mirrors at home can be kept shiny. But, if you don't want to buy a special cleaning fluid, there are still other tricks for removing mold stains on mirrors.

One of the tricks was shared by the owner of the Errando family's YouTube account. After investigating, this trick to remove mold stains that cause blurry mirrors only requires two kitchen ingredients. On the other hand, the time required is also quite short, namely approximately 8 minutes.

Tricks to remove mold stains that cause blurry mirrors using 2 kitchen ingredients.

First prepare a small bowl to mix the cleaning agent. Then, put 1 teaspoon of toothpaste into the bowl. After that, add 1 tablespoon of dishwashing soap and vinegar each.

Yup, dish soap and vinegar are the main kitchen ingredients for practicing this trick. Next, stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

Tricks to remove mold stains that cause blurry mirrors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Errando family

After that, smear the mirror that you want to clean with the cleaning agent mixture evenly. The owner of the Errando family's YouTube account explained that he usually smears his mirror with the help of a cloth.

"When applying, don't forget the mirror while we press and rub," emphasized the owner of the Errando family's YouTube account, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (8/5).

The process of smearing the mirror is said to take only around 2 to 3 minutes. Then, leave it for 5 minutes so that the cleaning agent mixture can work optimally in removing the stain. So, the process of cleaning this mirror only takes about 8 minutes.

Tricks to remove mold stains that cause blurry mirrors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Errando family

After letting it sit, immediately rinse the mirror with clean water until it shines. Finally, the owner of the Errando family's YouTube account wiped the remaining water on his mirror with a wiper to dry it. Drying the mirror after cleaning is also useful for preventing mold stains from coming back, you know.

Tricks to remove mold stains that cause blurry mirrors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Errando family

So, a mirror that was originally full of mold stains can be transformed into a shiny one again, right? Taking a peek at the Errando family's YouTube upload, even though it hasn't received many comments from other netizens, the viewers of this video have reached 35 thousand times, you know.