YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

If not cleaned immediately, the dirt can turn into stubborn crust.

  8 Mei 2024 16:00 - Cooking activities in the kitchen must be supported by equipment, one of which is a stove . Having a stove is quite important because it functions to saut, boil and fry food ingredients so that they are more delicious to eat. Especially for those who like to cook, of course the stove will be on every day.

Stoves that are used every day will get dirty over time. This dirt can come from spilled spices, oil and food when cooked on the stove. Usually the dirt sticks to the stove. If you don't clean it immediately, the dirt can turn into stubborn crust, you know.

The appearance of the stove also becomes dull and dirty. This crust is also quite difficult to clean even if you brush it with soap and water. Finally, some people choose to soak it in hot water first before washing. Hot water is considered effective in removing the crust, but this method is quite time consuming.

So, to make it more practical, you can copy the trick shared by TikTok user @ambo_botting. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on ingredients in the kitchen to eradicate scale on the stove stove.

"An effective way to clean a crusty stove stove," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ambo_botting on Wednesday (8/5).

Tricks to remove scale from your stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@ambo_botting

After investigating, the kitchen ingredients used were baking soda, vinegar and dish soap. He also used an unused toothbrush to scrub the crusty stove top.

Tricks to remove scale from your stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@ambo_botting

First, prepare baking soda and vinegar. If so, sprinkle baking soda all over the surface of the stove burner. Also add vinegar evenly over the entire surface of the stove burner. After adding vinegar, small bubbles appear which is a chemical reaction from the mixture of baking soda and vinegar.

"Then douse it with acidic vinegar, a chemical reaction like this will occur. The crust will easily lift," said the owner of the TikTok account.

Tricks to remove scale from your stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@ambo_botting

No need to wait long, immediately brush the stove stove which is full of scale with an old toothbrush. After brushing for a while, wash the stove again using dish soap.

Tricks to remove scale from your stove using only 3 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: TikTok/@ambo_botting

If so, rinse immediately with running water until it is completely clean. The crust on the stove burner also fades, here. The appearance is also cleaner, yes.

"Thank God, the stove is clean," he concluded.

How to get rid of vinegar smell on hands.

If you want to get rid of the vinegar smell that may remain on your hands after using vinegar as a cleaning agent, here are several methods you can try.

1. Wash your hands with soap.

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Rub your hands with soap for a few moments to remove any remaining vinegar and remove the smell.

2. Use hand freshener.

Use hand freshener or hand sanitizer with a pleasant scent to mask the vinegar smell. Be sure to choose a product that will not only mask odors, but also clean and freshen your hands.

3. Use a natural aroma mask.

Natural ingredients such as lime or mint leaves can help remove the vinegar smell. Rub lime wedges or mint leaves on your hands, then rinse with water.

4. Use essential oils.

Place a few drops of essential oil with a pleasant scent, such as lavender, peppermint, or lemon, on your hands. Rub the oil evenly and let the refreshing aroma overcome the vinegar smell.

5. Use baking soda.

Mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Rub this paste on your hands and rinse with warm water. Baking soda has odor-absorbing properties that can help remove the vinegar smell.

6. Use hand cleaning products.

If the smell of vinegar is too strong, you can also use hand sanitizer that contains alcohol or other ingredients that are effective in eliminating odors.
