
Even though it generally doesn't cause death, you need to be wary of the monkey pox virus.

  14 Juni 2024 15:25 - South Africa has just reported its first case of death caused by the monkeypox virus. A 37-year-old man was confirmed dead at Tembisa Hospital. This was also confirmed by the South African Minister of Health, Joe Phaahla. This death is the first in the world, as well as one of five cases of monkeypox (Mpox) infection recorded in the last month.

Meanwhile, cases of monkey pox in Indonesia , as reported by, as of September 28 2022, the total accumulated suspected cases of monkey pox were around 75 cases. From these records, 1 case was confirmed, 1 was suspected, and 73 cases were declared discarded.

Reporting from, monkey pox or monkeypox is a disease caused by orthopoxvirus which comes into contact with animals carrying the monkeypox virus. This virus was first discovered in Denmart in 1958. Transmission initially occurred from animals to humans via apes or monkeys. Therefore, the disease caused by this virus is called monkey pox.

Monkey pox rarely causes death . However, this does not mean that this disease does not threaten overall health. Therefore, you must know the symptoms, causes and ways to prevent the monkey pox virus, so that treatment can be done immediately.

Symptoms of monkey pox virus.

Beware of the monkey pox virus


People with the monkeypox virus often experience a rash that may be located on the hands, feet, chest, face, or mouth, near the genitals, including the penis, testicles, labia, vagina, and anus. The incubation period is 317 days. The rash process that occurs due to the monkey pox virus is as follows:

- The rash will go through several stages, including scabbing, before healing.

- The rash initially looks like pimples or blisters and may be painful or itchy.

Meanwhile, the symptoms caused by mpox symptoms include:

- Fever.

- Chills.

- Swollen lymph nodes.

- Fatigue.

- Muscle pain and back pain.

- Headache.

- Respiratory symptoms (e.g. sore throat, stuffy nose, or cough).

Cause of monkey pox virus.

Beware of the monkey pox virus


The main cause of transmission of the monkeypox virus is through direct contact with infected animals, especially primates such as monkeys, tree rats and tree rabbits. Transmission from animals to humans can occur through bites, contact with body fluids (such as blood, saliva, or skin lesion fluid), or through contact with objects contaminated with the virus, such as animal cages or contaminated items.

In addition, human-to-human transmission is also possible, especially through direct contact with body fluids from infected individuals, or through contact with objects contaminated by these body fluids.

Although the monkeypox virus generally has milder effects than the human smallpox virus, this infection can still cause serious symptoms in humans, including fever, skin rashes, and even serious complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, it is important to avoid contact with potentially infected animals, and to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene to prevent disease transmission.

How to prevent monkey pox.

Beware of the monkey pox virus


Prevention of monkeypox involves taking steps to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus. The preventative steps you can take are as follows:

1. Avoid direct contact with infected animals

Avoid direct contact with animals potentially infected with the monkeypox virus, such as primates (monkeys, tree rats, tree rabbits) in areas where this disease has been reported.

2. Use protection when handling animals

If you often come into contact with animals, it's a good idea to use protection such as gloves and protective clothing.

3. Maintain cleanliness

Always wash your hands with soap and running water after interacting with animals, especially before touching their face, mouth or eyes.

4. Mpox vaccine

The vaccine developed for smallpox also provides protection against Mpox. The Mpox vaccine is currently only recommended for people who have or are likely to have Mpox.
