One effort to prevent and reduce the occurrence of stress and anxiety can be started from diet

  5 Juni 2024 16:45 - Stress and anxiety are often experienced by people, especially for those of you who are in the world of work or study where deadlines are often chased.

Work pressure makes people always feel anxious. Over time, this feeling of anxiety can end in stress and depression.

Anxiety is a common condition experienced by millions of people around the world. The symptoms are very varied, they can appear at any time or gradually over time. In addition, people who experience anxiety for 6 months or more have the potential to experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Not only that, stress and anxiety also reduce pressure on the esophageal valve, namely the band of muscle that keeps the stomach closed and prevents stomach acid from returning to the esophagus. This long-lasting muscle tension can affect the muscles around the stomach so that it can increase pressure on the organs and then push acid to rise upwards which makes you feel stomach acid pain.

One effort to prevent and reduce the occurrence of stress and anxiety can be started from diet. The following 6 foods are effective strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety to prevent stomach acid from rising , reported by from various sources on Wednesday (5/6).

Foods that help overcome stress and anxiety.

This food is an effective strategy to overcome stress and anxiety  2024


1. Eat fish regularly.

This Is Your Brain on Food and Calm Your Mind With Food states that regular consumption of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and herring is very important because it is rich in omega-3. Omega-3 is a fatty acid that is important for cognitive function and helps maintain mental health. Meanwhile, Healthline shows that people who do not consume fatty acids are at higher risk of developing mood disorders such as anxiety.

So, for this reason, it is important to consume foods like omega-3 which contain alpha-linolenal acid (ALA) and also provide two essential fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA regulate neurotransmitters that reduce inflammation and promote healthy brain function. To help reduce anxiety, it is recommended to consume 2 servings of fatty fish a week.

2. Eggs.

Eggs are a source of protein and vitamin D in the egg yolk. This is because eggs contain essential amino acids that the body needs for development and growth.

Apart from that, eggs also contain trypophan which helps the body produce serotonin. This serotonin substance is a chemical neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, sleep, memory and behavior. It's not surprising that serotonin is believed to improve brain function and relieve anxiety.

3. Dark chocolate.

Adapting from the Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials page, chocolate has long been believed to help reduce stress and anxiety. The benefits of dark chocolate are reinforced by a 2014 study which found that 40 grams of dark chocolate could help reduce stress in female students.

Not only that, chocolate also helps improve your mood. This snack is rich in polyphenols, specifically flavonoids. This content is believed to reduce nerve inflammation and brain cell death as well as increase blood flow.

4. Green leafy vegetables.

It cannot be denied that green vegetables have many benefits. Launching This Is Your Brain on Food and Calm Your Mind With Food, shows that green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, and the like are good for brain health. The reason is that it is rich in nutrients that contribute to mood. Important examples include polyphenols, vitamin E, and vitamin C, all of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory propertieswhich may help curb mental health symptoms. In particular, vitamin C helps clear excess cortisol or the stress hormone.

5. Berries.

This fruit is rich in fiber and nutrients and helps maintain the balance of microbes in the intestines. This can pave the way for a better stress response, help regulate neurotransmitters (serotin), and help reduce levels of inflammation and oxidative stress thereby alleviating anxiety and depression.

6. Turmeric.

This type of spice is known for its many benefits, turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin. This substance helps reduce anxiety and reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. According to Healthline, curcumin is known as an ingredient that helps reduce anxiety in obese adults.

How to prevent stress and anxiety.

This food is an effective strategy to overcome stress and anxiety  2024


Stress and anxiety are common things experienced by humans. However, if not managed properly, both can have a negative impact on physical and mental health. As for tips to prevent it:

1. Healthy lifestyle.

Do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Exercise helps release endorphins, hormones that can improve mood and reduce stress. Apart from that, get enough sleep and eat nutritious food.

2. Regularly relax.

Mediation is one way to calm the mind, try taking time to sit quietly and focus on your breathing patterns. A relaxed body helps reduce excessive stress and anxiety. Another way you can do yoga. Yoga is an exercise method that combines physical movement, breathing and mediation to help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

3. Manage stress well.

Actually, there are many ways to manage stress. For example, good time management where you create a work priority schedule so you don't multitask. If you set priorities, you can know which things need to be addressed first or delegated to other people. If you can't handle it yourself, you can consult a psychologist or psychiatrist.
