Putri Isnari's style became more elegant during her wedding ceremony with the coal boss's son

  4 Juni 2024 13:25

Brilio.net - D'Academy graduate singer, Putri Isnari, officially married the son of coal boss, Abdul Aziz, on April 20. Since getting married, Putri Isnari has been seen more and more often with her husband, including when attending weddings.

However, many people were wrongly focused on the appearance of this 20 year old dandut singer at the invitation . At this moment, Princess Isnari looked elegant wearing a dress complete with gold jewelry. This appearance contrasts with his daily life which often appears simple.

His appearance, which is now considered very different from before, has also succeeded in stealing the public's attention. Not a few people praise the beauty of Mrs. Abdul Aziz because now she looks elegant and her aura is said to be increasingly expensive.

" Masha Allah, the aura is really expensive ," said @sitifatimah_2001

" It's really expensive, it doesn't have the aura ," added @audrey__suci

" Very beautiful ," explained @erwati3905

Below, see the brilio.net summary from various sources on Tuesday (4/6), Putri Isnari's style at the wedding.

1. Married by the coal boss's son, Abdul Aziz, Putri Isnari's style when attending a wedding succeeded in stealing attention because it was considered so different from before.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

2. From the uploaded photo, it appears that this D'Academy graduate is wearing quite a lot of jewelry like a walking gold shop.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

3. Like her style when attending her sister-in-law's wedding, the dangdut dancer wore a bright red dress complete with gold jewelry, such as striking rings and bracelets.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

4. This princess's appearance contrasts with her daily life which often appears simple. Not a few netizens were confused when they saw it.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

5. Apparently, her current appearance, which is completely covered in gold, is due to her husband's family tradition. In fact, her in-laws even asked Putri to wear the gold jewelry.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

6. "Tradition, both from the in-laws too, 'Come on, let's be together because the father-in-law never differentiates. He never differentiates between children and daughters-in-law. You don't have to wear them, just for events," said Putri Isnari, reported from merdeka6.com.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wishnuaji28

7. Meanwhile, recently DA's daughter attended a wedding with her husband wearing an all-black outfit.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

8. This 20 year old singer looks charming with his combination of outfits, starting from the Chanel brand bag and the accessories he wears.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03

9. Princess Isnari's hairdo looks so cute even though it is quite simple. His expensive-looking aura is very different from his previous portrait.

Princess Isnari's style of attending a wedding  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@da4_putri03
