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The Mediterranean diet refers to foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and whole grains.

  4 Juni 2024 07:00

Brilio.net - The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest ways of eating in the world. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes foods that contain vegetables and fats. Foods consumed include vegetables, fruit, nuts.

Apart from that, the Mediterranean diet also refers to foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and whole grains in sufficient quantities. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is also important to consume as a source of healthy fats. Foods such as fish are also important to consume, especially those that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

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The Mediterranean diet was also confirmed through Harvard research reported by dailymail.co.uk involving 25,315 American women from the Women's Health Study cohort at an average age of 55 years. This research involved various races and ethnicities, black, Asian, Hispanic, white and so on. The research survey period was 25 years.

The results of the study proved that women who followed the Mediterranean diet had a 23 percent lower risk. So, that's why it's very important to adopt the Mediterranean diet which has been proven to provide health and fitness. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are as follows.

Benefits of the Mediterranean

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The Mediterranean diet has been in the spotlight in health literature and has been proven to be beneficial for body health. The Mediterranean diet is known for its emphasis on healthy food and lifestyle. Following are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

1. Maintain heart health

Heart disease and stroke are often caused by poor diet. Foods that are usually consumed include excess fat and bad cholesterol. Implementing a Mediterranean diet can reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. The Mediterranean diet pattern can help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which means it is useful for maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels.

2. Maintain normal blood sugar levels

One of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet is that it helps stabilize blood sugar levels. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables and nuts which can reduce sugar intake in the body.

3. Maintain ideal body weight

The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended to maintain ideal body weight. The Mediterranean diet can reduce weight because it emphasizes consuming large amounts of fruit and vegetables but still provides adequate animal protein intake.

4. Reduces inflammation

Another benefit of doing the Mediterranean diet is that it helps reduce inflammation in the body. The Mediterranean diet pattern can relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis which is caused by autoimmune disorders, and causes pain and swelling in the joints.

How to eat the Mediterranean diet

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The Mediterranean diet is a very popular choice for a healthy lifestyle. This diet is inspired by traditional foods in the Mediterranean region which are very popular. This diet emphasizes nutritional balance and healthy fat intake, and has an effect on ideal body weight. Quoting from health.harvard.edu, this is how to do the Mediterranean diet.

1. Use extra virgin olive oil

Start by using olive oil in cooking, then try a new salad dressing with olive oil as a base. Lastly, use olive oil instead of butter on crusty bread.

2. Eat nuts and olives

Eating nuts can help you live a healthy life. Eat a handful of red beans every day for a healthy substitute.

3. Add whole wheat bread or other grains to your diet.

As much as possible choose bread that is dense, chewy, and add sugar and butter.

4. Start or end every meal with a salad.

Choose foods that are rich in vegetables because they can support your diet and are healthier.

5. Add more different vegetables to meals.

Add an extra serving of vegetables to lunch and dinner, aiming for three to four servings a day. Try new vegetables every week.

6. Eat nuts a week.

Legume foods such as beans, lentils and peas can support the Mediterranean diet program.

7. Eat less meat.

Choose a medium portion of lean poultry, 3 to 4 ounces. Save red meat for occasional consumption or use the meat as a condiment, accompanied by lots of vegetables, such as in stews, stir-fries, and soups. Eat more fish, aim for two to three portions a week. Both canned fish and fresh fish are fine.

8. Reduce sugary drinks.

If you often consume sweet drinks, it is not very good for your lifestyle. Sweet drinks such as soda, syrup and so on. You can replace it by consuming healthy and nutritious drinks such as water, fruit juice and tea without sugar.

9. Low sugar and fat desserts.

You can eat foods such as fruit or boiled tubers to complement the Mediterranean diet. Try to consume three servings of fresh fruit a day.

10. Look for the best quality food.

You can eat vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, and kale which are rich in important nutrients and can help improve health.
