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Exposure to UV rays from the sun can be one of the main risk factors for skin cancer.

  26 Juni 2024 09:26

Brilio.net - Skin care products basically help maintain healthy skin, maintain moisture, and repair damage caused by environmental factors. In addition, skin care products can also help reduce signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin texture. However, without realizing it, using the product carelessly can increase dangerous risks.

Exposure to UV rays from the sun can be one of the main risk factors for skin cancer. UV rays can damage the DNA in skin cells, which can then cause the growth of cancer cells. The risk of skin cancer can also increase due to genetic factors, a family history of skin cancer, and exposure to dangerous chemicals or radiation. Apart from that, chemicals that are not suitable for your skin in beauty products can trigger skin cancer.

Additionally, some chemicals in skin care products can have carcinogenic properties, meaning they can cause skin cancer. Chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been linked to an increased risk of skin cancer in research. Use of skin care products containing these ingredients, especially if used regularly and in large amounts, can increase the risk of skin cancer

Below, brilio.net has summarized an explanation regarding the dangers of skin cancer that lurk when you make mistakes in skin care based on various sources, Tuesday (25/6).

Explanation of skin cancer

Skin cancer has the scientific name melanoma. Cancer cells called melanocytes can usually develop in the skin on parts of the body that are often exposed to sunlight. This is related to ocular melanoma which is rare. Apart from that, it is also rarely found in parts of the body that are less frequently exposed to light, such as the soles of the feet, under the nails, or on the palms of the hands.

The Global Cancer Observatory noted that in 2022 only 1716 cases would be recorded in Indonesia. Even though it tends to be small, you still need to be careful. It is estimated that globally more than 18,200 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in 2023. Skin cancer survivors have an average age of 65 years.

Signs of skin cancer

1. Physically, the mole is irregular in shape.

2. The color of the mole changes and becomes darker and spreads.

3. Usually the size increases over time.

4. Skin cancer makes the affected area stand out.

5. Feels itchy and often bleeds.

6. Usually moles do not only appear in one area, but new spots can appear.

7. Dark areas will also appear under the nails or on the membranes in the lining of the anus, genitals or mouth.

skin cancer  2024 brilio.net

photo: pixabay.com

Causes of skin cancer

The risk of skin cancer is greater in children. Children's skin that is not fully developed is susceptible to exposure to foreign substances. Globally, the main cause of skin cancer is UV radiation from sunlight.

The main reason why Indonesians don't get a lot of skin cancer is because they have genetically adapted to natural conditions. Indonesian people's skin tends to be brown, showing a thick layer of melanin. Carrying out treatments that erode the outer surface strongly to erode melanin means increasing the risk of skin cancer.

The following things trigger skin cancer:

1. Too much sun exposure as a baby.

2. Genetic history of offspring with melanoma.

3. Exposure to UV radiation without protection that the skin cannot tolerate.

4. Using skin care products that contain mercury.

5. Careless use of care products without doctor's advice.

6. Use of artificial UV light to darken the skin.

7. Exposure to dangerous chemicals without any countermeasures.

8. Become an active or passive smoker.

9. Poor immune condition.

skin cancer  2024 brilio.net

photo: pixabay.com

Skin cancer prevention

Prevention of skin cancer is very important because many cases can be prevented with simple steps. Protecting the skin from excessive sun exposure is the main advice. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, wear a hat or umbrella when outdoors, and avoid direct exposure to the sun from 10 am to 4 pm when UVB rays are strongest.

Apart from that, pay attention to changes in your skin regularly. If you notice signs such as abnormal growth, discoloration, or size change in moles or other skin spots, consult a dermatologist immediately. This is important because early detection of skin cancer can increase the chances of cure.

Furthermore, avoid using tanning beds or artificial UV lamps because exposure to UV rays from artificial sources can also increase the risk of skin cancer. Always choose appropriate and consistent sun protection, even when the weather is not very sunny, because UV rays can still damage the skin even if it doesn't feel hot.

Intern: Robiul Adil Robani
