foto: TikTok/@musuhcreamabal2

There are quite a few victims of this fake HB dosing, you know, be careful when choosing the product.

  22 Juni 2024 14:00 - For those of you who are TikTok users, you may have come across your FYP once or twice regarding the use of the HB Dosting product, which can make your body's skin white. Maybe a number of beauty content creators have provided testimonials about their success using HB Dosting. Their previously spotty or dull skin becomes brighter, even sparkling white thanks to using HB Dosting.

But did you know? The use of HB Dosting or hand body with higher doses causes side effects for some users. This condition is like what was recently experienced by a woman who used HB dosting and fake cream.

According to a video upload on the TikTok account @misicreamabal2, the unnamed woman has been using HB Dosting and fake cream for the past year. Indeed, at the beginning of using this product, the skin becomes white and looks clean. However, over time, instead of becoming smooth white, the woman actually experienced damage to her skin.

"Victim of HB DOSTING WINE and MERKUNCRIT CREAM," the statement in the video upload, quoted by summarized from TikTok @mesincreamabal2, (21/6).

Stories of women using HB dosting and fake cream from various sources

photo: TikTok/@enemycreamabal2

Skin damage on the body in the form of skin appearing torn. Not just one part, but there are several areas that make it uncomfortable. Initially appearing one by one , over time they spread to almost the entire leg. It is even marked by pain, especially when wearing clothes. According to the woman, the torn skin appeared in no less than a month. Not only does skin damage occur, using HB Dosting also returns to its original skin color, namely olive yellow.

" One year of use, the damage will last a lifetime, " he said.

Stories of women using HB dosting and fake cream from various sources

photo: TikTok/@enemycreamabal2

Apart from her legs, the woman also suffered damage to her face. This is because the woman used fake cream. Well, this damage is characterized by the color of the skin turning red like it was burning. There are even a number of spots with freckles on the face.

" Because now she is pregnant, she stopped, " said the owner of the video.

The video upload showing the side effects of using HB dosting and fake cream attracted comments from netizens.

Stories of women using HB dosting and fake cream from various sources

photo: TikTok/@enemycreamabal2

" I once used dosting, I actually used 2 bottles of straight white, because a lot of FYP fluids had stretch marks, so I stopped, and when I stopped, my skin was blacker than my original skin ," wrote the account @Risstayoo.

" I'm also like this, a victim of Hb wine dosing, " wrote the account @Milla2616.

" I'm a victim of HB dosing too, it's not like this, it's more like Alus's veins, it looks like the veins on his face are getting scarred, " account @Lilis.lz.

" I once used Hb dosting which is yellow, finished 2 bottles, good white, walked 4 pct straight away, it turned red like a wound, until I couldn't walk, now it's healed but it's burnt, " added the comment from account @.
