foto: TikTok/@shopie_salon

The price doesn't reach Rp. 10 thousand but it is effective for brightening.

  21 Juni 2024 22:22 - A dull face is characterized by a skin condition that appears to have lost its natural glow and feels textured. Some other signs of a dull face that you may experience are that your skin feels dry and your skin color is not bright or looks darker than usual.

Not without reason, skin usually becomes dull due to a decrease in natural oil production which occurs due to various factors, such as aging, accumulated dead skin cells, and exposure to free radicals. However, the most common cause is excessive sun exposure.

To overcome this condition, many people undergo treatment at beauty clinics and use various skincare products that drain their pockets. Even though you can make your face auto glow just using products that are affordable and easy to get. One of them is using Viva products.

Viva is a legendary brand that is known for its affordable prices but its quality is not poor. It is not surprising that to this day Viva products are still the mainstay of many people. So, to make your dull face automatically glow, you can combine 2 Viva products which cost less than IDR 10 thousand, you know.

The combination of 2 Viva products can make your dull face glow TikTok

photo: TikTok/@shopie_salon

The products in question are Viva Face Tonic Lemon and Viva Rose Water . You can use these two products as a face mist, you know. You can see the method via the TikTok account @shopie_salon below.


- 5 tablespoons of Viva Rose Water
- 3 tablespoons Viva Face Tonic Lemon
- Sufficient mineral water

The combination of 2 Viva products can make your dull face glow TikTok

photo: TikTok/@shopie_salon

How to create and use:

1. Pour Viva Rose Water and Viva Face Tonic Lemon into a glass container
2. Add enough mineral water (make sure not too much)
3. Stir the ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Transfer it to a spray bottle to make it easier to use
5. Spray it on your face every day in the morning and evening to get an auto glowing face.

The combination of 2 Viva products can make your dull face glow TikTok

photo: TikTok/@shopie_salon

Claims and contents of Viva Face Tonic Lemon for the face.

Viva Face Tonic Lemon is a freshener formulated for oily and acne-prone skin. This product functions to clean remaining Milk Cleanser, freshen the skin, tighten pores, and maintain skin pH. This is thanks to the lemon extract content which is effective in reducing oil levels, thereby helping prevent acne. Well, the lemon extract in it is also effective in making your skin bright and glowing because of its high vitamin C content.

Viva Rose Water claims and ingredients to make your face glow.

Viva Mawar Water contains rose flower essence and a calming rose aroma. This product is practical and hygienic for use as a mixture of mask powder and body scrub. Not only that, it turns out that Viva Rose Water is also often used as a face mist ingredient, because of its moisturizing and refreshing properties. It's not surprising that this product can make your face more glowing.
