The interior is homey and family-friendly, with spacious, open-plan rooms.

  17 Februari 2025 08:00 - Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) , Indonesia's top female soloist who is familiarly called Unge, is not only known for her melodious voice, but also her personal life which always attracts attention. Currently, BCL is married to Tiko Aryawardhana and still lives in her luxurious house in South Jakarta. She once lived in the house with Noah and her late ex-husband, Ashraf Sinclair.

BCL's luxurious house, which she has lived in since 2017, has a modern design with a touch of American Style. The interior is homey and family-friendly, with spacious rooms without partitions that create a warm atmosphere. Through Andre Taulany's YouTube channel, BCL shows the luxury of her house full of memories.

As a mother who loves to cook, BCL's kitchen is one of her favorite areas. Even though she is busy, she often makes time to cook for her family. Curious about what BCL's luxurious kitchen looks like? Check out the portraits collected by from various sources on Sunday (2/16).

1. This is how the interior of Bunga Citra Lestari's house looks like, which is very spacious and has no partitions in every room. Moreover, the living room and dining table are not separated from the kitchen.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/TAULANY TV

2. Unge loves cooking, her favorite foods are rendang and chocolate cake. Therefore, she installed an island table to complement her kitchen.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/TAULANY TV

3. This kitchen has an 'L' type complete with its kitchen set. The concept is all white with a touch of American Style. It looks spacious because this kitchen is equipped with wide glass windows.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/TAULANY TV

4. It seems that Unge's house does not have a dirty kitchen, so this kitchen is where she cooks various foods. It can be seen that the spices and cooking utensils are neatly arranged on the table.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/TAULANY TV

5. This kitchen has a fairly large size when measured from the kitchen sink area or place for washing dishes.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

6. Even for big cooking, Unge does it in this kitchen. This is the moment Unge cooked rendang for an open house event during Eid.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

7. Unge is also not embarrassed to change the edge of her swimming pool into a simple kitchen like this. Similar to the rewang style of mothers in the village, right?

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

8. The stove has been temporarily moved here because the cooking area inside is being repaired due to problems.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

9. Now, this is the kitchen sink or dishwashing area which is located near the swimming pool.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

10. Dapur Unge is indeed luxurious but unlike most clean kitchens, this kitchen looks livelier because it is often used for activities.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL

11. Unge doesn't care if her beautiful kitchen is dirty when used to cook for her family and guests.

BCL home kitchen  2024

photo: YouTube/IT'S ME BCL
