An agreement for peace can only be realized if there is the same intention from both parties.

  13 Juli 2024 00:29 - Tiko Aryawardhana has answered the summons to carry out an investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police regarding the alleged embezzlement of IDR 6.9 billion reported by his ex-wife, Arina Winarto (AW).

Tiko Aryawardhana's attorney, Irfan Aghasar, said that his client hopes to reconcile with his ex-wife. Remembering, according to Irfan Aghasar, his client and Arina Winarto (AW) once had a personal relationship.

Tiko opens up the possibility of peace  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tikoaryawardhana

"Our mediation opens up opportunities for something like that. Moreover, this is a personal relationship that has occurred between a husband and wife," said Irfan Aghasar, quoted from, Friday (12/7).

Irfan also added that his party opened up the possibility of carrying out a mediation process. However, he also could not confirm which parties would be willing to facilitate mediation so that this effort could be carried out.

"So those spaces are still open. Maybe, I don't know who can be a mediator," added Irfan Aghasar.

Opening up opportunities for peace, Irfan is very grateful if this problem is resolved amicably. However, according to Irfan, an agreement for peace can only be realized if there is the same intention from both parties.

"That's the hope of all my friends, I'm very grateful that something like that exists. But once again there has to be a win-win solution, something like that. But until now, we hope that that can happen. For peace or whatever, both parties must have the same frequency," he explained.

Until this effort is realized, Irfan also ensures that his party will prove that the accusations directed at Tiko Aryawardhana are not true. One of them is fulfilling the obligation to undergo examination as a witness regarding the alleged embezzlement of IDR 6.9 billion.

Tiko opens up the possibility of peace  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tikoaryawardhana

"For us, we have completed today's obligations well. We are cooperative, called according to our schedule. That's all, financial reports, audit reports, financial flows," he explained.

However, Tiko said that if the current case was a problem with his ex-wife, it had nothing to do with his current wife, BCL . Therefore, he asked that his wife, BCL, not be involved in this case.

"I want to remind my friends, inform them, that this is a problem between me and my ex-wife. It has nothing to do with BCL at all. So please don't write about BCL or use her photo in reporting on this problem," said Tiko, quoted from YouTube Kunci6 .
