foto: Instagram/@sandradewi88

The depiction of Sandra Dewi's luxurious life is in stark contrast to Harvey Moeis' confession at the corruption trial.

  4 Januari 2025 11:00 - Sandra Dewi's family life continues to be in the public spotlight after her husband, Harvey Moeis, was caught in an alleged tin IUP corruption case. The couple, who are known to be very wealthy, often get attention because of their lifestyle which is considered luxurious.

One of the unique habits that is often discussed is the routine of their children who like to play at the mall every day. What for Sandra Dewi's family is considered an ordinary activity, can be something special for many people.

Sandra Dewi once revealed in a podcast that every morning at 10 am, she always takes her children to the mall. This routine has even been done since before the Covid-19 pandemic.

" My child wakes up, takes a shower, eats, goes for a walk. At 10 am he leaves, before the pandemic we always went to the mall, " said Sandra in the TS Talks podcast, as quoted from a re-upload by the TikTok account @nairasiregar_real, Saturday (4/1).

Sandra Dewi's statement about her hobby of going to the mall  various sources

photo: YouTube/TS Talks

She explained that her two children really like activities in crowded places, especially playgrounds. This habit made Sandra Dewi admit that she has visited almost all the malls in Jakarta. Her first child, Raphael, is even very enthusiastic about the various games there.

Sandra also said that her children are often inspired by what they see on television. So visiting the mall every day feels like a necessity.

" My child is a mall kid. He wants all playgrounds, for example, if there is a game, he wants to watch it on TV. Anyway, at 10 am I'm already in the malls of Jakarta bringing my child ," he explained.

Sandra Dewi's statement about her hobby of going to the mall  various sources

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

In addition to the mall, Sandra also takes her children to the park every afternoon. Then, in the evening they often return to the mall until around 9 pm.

" After that, in the afternoon, I usually go to the park, then at night, I go back to the mall until 9 pm. That was before the pandemic ," he added.

However, this picture of a luxurious life is in contrast to Harvey Moeis' confession at the trial of the PT Timah IUP corruption case at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court. During the trial, Harvey initially discussed the issue of Sandra Dewi's savings that were blocked by investigators. The savings were in the form of deposits at Bank Mega which reached Rp33 billion.

In his statement again, Harvey said his wife was a very frugal and good at saving. In fact, he never had access to his wife's account even though they were husband and wife.

"She (Sandra Dewi) is the most frugal person I know, the smartest at saving," said Harvey.

Sandra Dewi's statement about her hobby of going to the mall  various sources

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

He added that because all their accounts had been blocked, he was forced to borrow money to meet his daily needs.

"I never accessed (Sandra Dewi's account) and she never gave me a transfer, but that was also blocked," he continued.

Currently, Harvey Moeis has been sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison and is required to pay compensation of Rp210 billion. This sentence is lighter than the prosecutor's demand of 12 years in prison.
