Instagram/@teukuryantr ; Instagram/@riaricis1795

When Teuku Ryan was confirmed about the issue, he did not know about the problems Atta was facing.

  25 September 2024 11:30 - The news circulating about the issue of a secret marriage involving Atta and Ria Ricis is still being investigated by the police. Not only involving Ria Ricis, her ex, husband Teuku Ryan was also questioned.

Meanwhile, when Teuku Ryan was confirmed about the issue, he did not know about the problems faced by Atta. Even so, Ryan admitted that he was ready to come if he was needed by the authorities.

"Actually, I don't know anything about that, especially the problem. Just pray that the problem will be resolved quickly," said Teuku Ryan, quoted by from Liputan6, Wednesday (25/9).

Teuku Ryan is linked to the issue of secret marriage in various sources

photo: Instagram/@teukuryantr

On the other hand, Ryan actually felt confused about himself being associated with the siri marriage issue. Moreover, Ryan did not know the ins and outs of the siri marriage issue.

"I don't know if I suddenly want to be called, I don't understand at all, but that's OK," he said.

On the other hand, Ryan also felt confused if there was a work schedule when he received a police call. This is because he was busy filming stripping. But this may be conditioned.

"I'm confused if there's a shooting schedule, it's also difficult, maybe it can be adjusted. But hopefully nothing goes wrong," added Ryan.

For additional information, Atta Halilintar has undergone an examination. This examination aims to investigate Atta's report regarding alleged slander regarding his secret marriage with Ria Ricis.

After Atta is questioned, the police plan to call other witnesses including Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan. However, the schedule for examining Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan has not been confirmed, the police will soon confirm further developments.
