Atta Halilintar also showed off a video call moment with Haji Faisal.

  16 Agustus 2024 15:25 - Atta Halilintar has been in the spotlight on social media for some time now. He was accused of criticizing Fuji and his late sister-in-law, Vanessa Angel.

The accusations began when Atta created the content "Don't ya dek, ya". He was considered to have offended Fuji whose relationship was previously not approved by Thariq Halilintar's parents.

Shortly after, Atta reposted a post discussing Vanessa Angel's pregnancy out of wedlock and the fact that she had not received the blessing of her father-in-law, Haji Faisal.

In an interview, Haji Faisal admitted to being sad about Atta's attitude. Moreover, so far, he felt that his relationship with Atta was fine.

"It's sad for me, actually, because this matter is being brought up again when my child and son-in-law are no longer here, it doesn't feel right," said Haji Faisal some time ago.

Atta Halilintar apologizes to Haji Faisal  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@attahalilintar

Realizing his actions were wrong, Atta was magnanimous enough to contact Haji Faisal. He did this to clarify the misunderstanding that occurred.

Through his Instagram story, Atta showed a screenshot of a WhatsApp message containing an apology to the grandfather of Gala Sky. In the message, Atta also explained the content of 'Jangan Ya Dek' that he created.

Thariq Halilintar's older brother did not expect that the content he created with his team would go viral and cause misunderstandings among certain parties. He emphasized that there was absolutely no intention to criticize the Fuji family.

"Assalamualaikum Pak Haji Faisal. How are you? I hope you are always healthy with Oma Gala, Gala, and all the family. From the bottom of my heart, I never had the slightest intention of making any insinuations at all. Even the team that created the content script never had any intention of making any insinuations at all," read the message from Atta to Haji Faisal, quoted by from Instagram @attahalilintar, Friday (16/8).

Atta Halilintar apologizes to Haji Faisal  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@attahalilintar

Regarding the content that was accused of mocking Vanessa Angel, the 29-year-old man admitted that he initially only wanted to tell netizens not to stir up negative issues. Because since the content went viral, Atta felt that the topic had spread to many parties.

However, his good intentions were fried again by many netizens, causing misunderstandings between Atta and the Fuji family. Atta also apologized if the way he took was wrong and excessive.

"And for the initial story, I just wanted to remind netizens who claimed to be my fans (because) they were spreading bad (issues) everywhere. I personally apologize if my and my team's methods were wrong," Atta continued.

Atta Halilintar apologizes to Haji Faisal  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@attahalilintar

Next, Atta also showed off a video call moment with Haji Faisal. In the screenshot shared, Haji Faisal was seen smiling happily, as was Atta. This moment seemed to show that their problems were over.
