
Discussing Atta Halilintar's comments about Vanessa Angel, Doddy Sudrajat admitted that he was hurt by Haji Faisal.

  13 Agustus 2024 14:45 - The polemic of Atta Halilintar who uploaded the trend 'Jangan Ya Dek Ya' apparently spread to various things. The public highlighted the content as being considered to have touched on Fuji who had a love story with Thariq Halilintar. The content became even more heated when the singer of the song Ashiap reposted a provocative response from a netizen on his personal Instagram.

"Don't get married without other people's blessings, dear. In fact, the one who didn't get her parents' blessings was Vanessa, she was forced to get her blessings because she got pregnant first," wrote a post by a netizen.

Atta spontaneously responded to the tweet with great sympathy. He actually asked his Instagram followers to send prayers to Vanessa . However, many netizens speculated that Atta intentionally offended the late Vanessa, even though he had accompanied it with a sympathetic statement.

Suddenly, this made Haji Faisal also speak up in response to Atta Halilintar's content. The father of the late Vanessa Angel, Doddy Sudrajat, did the same thing. But instead of responding to Atta, Doddy Sudrajat actually brought up his in-law's attitude, Haji Faisal, in the past.

doddy sudrajat reveals haji faisal's attitude  instagram

Doddy Sudrajat brings up Haji Faisal's attitude

Doddy highlighted Haji Faisal's attitude when Vanessa Angel was about to be married to Bibi Andriansyah. Mayang's father claimed that Haji Faisal's family did not want to hold a proposal process before Vanessa Angel and Bibi's wedding.

"Which parent wouldn't be heartbroken when they wanted to marry their son to my daughter Vanessa Angel, but they never came to my house to propose to my daughter," wrote Doddy Sudrajat claiming while poking Atta Halilintar's account, looking at the Instagram Stories of the @dodysoedrajat_1 account, Tuesday (13/8).

Due to this attitude, Doddy expressed his hurt feelings towards Haji Faisal. He even said that the Fuji family did not have good customs.

doddy sudrajat reveals haji faisal's attitude  instagram

Doddy Sudrajat brings up Haji Faisal's attitude

"There was no proposal process like someone who wants to marry their son to my daughter Vanessa Angel. They are like a family that has no customs or pretends not to know," continued Doddy Sudrajat in closing.
