The rate of hormone production begins to slow down and is not as fast as in your 20s.

  23 September 2024 12:11 - It is said that 35 years old is the best age when someone reaches or approaches the peak of their career, especially for women. However, in the midst of that success, there are also quite a few women who feel that there are changes, especially in terms of energy that is not as agile as when they were young.

Often late menstruation , messy sleep schedule, unstable mood , easy stress, easy hair loss, to decreased reproductive function are experienced by many women at the age of 35. According to the page, these are signs of hormonal imbalance.

Similar findings also emerged from the Endocrine Society journal which studied women at the age of 35 years old starting to experience changes in hormone production, such as sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and growth hormones. In essence, this is because the rate of hormone production begins to slow down and is not as fast as in the 20s.

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photo: Sido Muncul

However, these hormones are still needed by the body to help with daily activities ranging from digesting food, regulating sleep cycles, influencing mood, to supporting the reproductive process and sexual function. So, maintaining hormonal balance is very important, especially for maintaining women's health.

One of Healthline's journals provides some tips for maintaining hormonal balance . Starting from reducing sources of stress, getting enough rest, a healthy diet, to regular but not excessive exercise.

In addition, you can consume some herbal ingredients such as damiana, beluntas leaves, tapak liman and eucalyptus, tribulus, to ginger and turmeric. The content of these herbal ingredients is good for maintaining women's hormonal health. As according to the journal "Phytotherapy Research" extract from beluntas leaves can increase progesterone hormone levels in women, you know.

Herbal content of Sido Muncul Natural Female Balance

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photo: Sido Muncul

The good news is, all of these herbal ingredients can be found in Sido Muncul Natural Female Balance. This herbal supplement is suitable for women who have high mobility, are active, productive, and still want to keep their bodies healthy and fresh every day.

Because the content of damiana and tribulus can help increase libido and induce the development of ovarian follicles, ovulation, and fertility. In addition, you can consume this supplement to relieve PMS symptoms before menstruation , smooth menstruation , and other hormonal disorders.

Sido Muncul Natural Male Balance is suitable for maintaining men's stamina

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photo: Sido Muncul

Just like women, men also need to maintain hormonal balance. Hormones play an important role in maintaining the fitness of men's bodies. To keep hormones in the body balanced, men can consume Sido Muncul Natural Male Balance.

Sido Muncul Natural Male Balance contains natural ingredients such as maca, ginseng, pasak bumi, ginger and kencur. These ingredients are effective in increasing daily performance, increasing daily energy , and increasing vitality in men. Sido Muncul Natural Male Balance is suitable for consumption by men who want to maintain stamina, vitality, and work performance throughout the day. Of course, this supplement will also help the promil process in the family.

Both Sido Muncul Natural Female and Male Balance products are available at the nearest drugstore and modern pharmacy. You can also order now via or Sido Muncul Official Store in the online marketplace.

