
Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria or stop their growth.

  19 September 2024 23:10 - Consuming antibiotics has various health benefits for a person. However, if the use of antibiotics is not appropriate, it can actually cause antimicrobial resistance. In other words, the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. As a result, the process of treatment or care for patients is much more difficult and can even trigger death.

As reported on the Antara page, the Director General of Health Services at the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Doctor Azhar Jaya, SH, SKM, MARS explained that the data on antimicrobial resistance incidents reported by sentinel hospitals included two types of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, namely Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Based on data from the WHO Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS) updated in 2022, it was stated that in Indonesia, antimicrobial resistance in both types of bacteria was found through examination of blood and urine specimens from patients infected with AMR.

It is no joke that this bacteria can attack the entire human organ system and even cause death. According to him, the unwise use of antibiotics can trigger the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, the Ministry of Health appeals to be wiser in the use of these antibiotics.

Despite the government's appeal through the Ministry of Health, antibiotics have a number of benefits that need to be known. What are they? Let's see the full review below, adapted from various sources, Thursday (19/9).

Benefits of consuming antibiotics.

Benefits of consuming antibiotics  2024


The benefits of consuming antibiotics, especially when used correctly and according to doctor's advice, are very important in maintaining health and preventing serious complications. Here are some of the main benefits of consuming antibiotics:

1. Treat bacterial infections effectively.

Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria or stop their growth, making them effective in treating bacterial infections. These medications help the body fight off illnesses such as pneumonia, skin infections, bronchitis, and urinary tract infections.

According to research from the Mayo Clinic, antibiotics significantly reduce the symptoms of bacterial infections and speed up the healing process, especially in severe bacterial infections.

2. Prevent the spread of dangerous infections.

In addition to treating infections experienced by patients, antibiotics also prevent the spread of harmful bacteria to others. Contagious infections such as tuberculosis or streptococcal throat infections can be prevented from spreading through proper antibiotic treatment.

A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that appropriate consumption of antibiotics can significantly reduce the rate of spread of infectious diseases in the community.

3. Avoid serious health complications.

Untreated bacterial infections can lead to serious complications, such as sepsis or organ damage. Antibiotics play a vital role in preventing these complications by eliminating the bacteria causing the infection before they can spread further in the body.

Research from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that the proper use of antibiotics helps reduce the death rate due to untreated bacterial infections.

4. Accelerate post-operative recovery.

Antibiotics are often used before and after surgery to prevent infection in the surgical area. Surgical procedures can cause bacteria to enter the body through open wounds, and antibiotics help reduce this risk.

A scientific review in the journal Surgical Infections shows that prophylactic antibiotics are highly effective in preventing post-operative infections, speeding recovery, and reducing the risk of complications.

5. Protect patients with weak immune systems.

Patients with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV, cancer or autoimmune diseases, are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Antibiotics help protect them from potentially life-threatening infections.

According to research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), giving appropriate antibiotics to patients with weak immune systems can extend their life expectancy by preventing recurrent infections.

6. Prevent infections during long-term health care.

Patients in long-term care settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes, are often at higher risk for bacterial infections. Antibiotics help keep them healthy by preventing bacterial infections in the sensitive medical environment.

A study from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) concluded that the use of prophylactic antibiotics in healthcare facilities has helped significantly reduce infections associated with medical procedures.

Wise use of antibiotics.

Benefits of consuming antibiotics  2024


1. Use antibiotics only according to a doctor's prescription and make sure to follow the doctor's instructions regarding dosage and duration of use.

2. Avoid using antibiotics obtained without a prescription or leftover medication from previous treatment.

3. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics for a minor infection, ask about the reasons and benefits, and consider other treatment options that may be available.

4. If you have pets, make sure that antibiotics are used carefully on animals, because resistance can occur between animals and humans.

5. Practice hygienic habits, such as washing your hands regularly, to prevent infections and minimize the need for antibiotics.

6. Get any necessary vaccinations to prevent infections that may require antibiotic treatment in the future.

7. Discuss concerns regarding antibiotic use with healthcare professionals, to understand the benefits and risks and the treatment decisions made.
