; X/@cyycynn

Actually, sweat itself doesn't smell~

  21 September 2024 08:00 - Smelly armpits are usually caused by the activity of bacteria that break down sweat, producing unpleasant compounds. Actually, sweat itself is odorless, but when mixed with bacteria on the skin, it can cause an unpleasant aroma.

Other factors that can affect underarm odor include poor personal hygiene, wearing clothes that do not absorb sweat, and consuming certain foods such as onions or strong spices. To prevent and treat underarm odor, it is important to maintain cleanliness by bathing regularly and using antibacterial soap.

Using the right deodorant or antiperspirant is also highly recommended to reduce odor and sweat. In addition, choosing clothes made from natural, breathable materials can also help reduce moisture and prevent bacterial growth.

However, sometimes the use of deodorant actually makes the armpits black and irritated due to the chemical content in it. If you experience this condition, don't worry, because recently the term 'marination' of the armpits has been trending, shared by user X with the account name @cyycynn.

The armpit 'marination' method is believed to be able to overcome underarm odor without irritating and blackening the underarm skin. Through the X account, the woman claimed that she did not experience any underarm odor at all until a day after marinating her armpits using Betadine Skin Cleanser. Even when she did not shower all day and was in Bekasi which is known to have very hot air.

Tricks for marinating armpits using Betadine Skin Cleanser to keep them odor-free all day long. Various sources

photo: X/@cyycynn

"I'm the guy who marinates my armpits with Betadine before showering! It really gets rid of the bad smell, because when I'm at home I'm too lazy to use deorex to let my armpits breathe. I don't shower all day, with hot Bekasi air, it's really safe with no odors," said the account, as quoted by on Friday (20/9).

It doesn't stop there, the account also reveals how she uses mouthwash to 'marinate' her armpits.

Tricks for marinating armpits using Betadine Skin Cleanser to keep them odor-free all day long. Various sources

photo: X/@cyycynn

"Because many people asked how to use it, I want to share my method. I apply it when my skin is still dry, I apply it without using cotton and I just leave it on while brushing my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I rinse it while rubbing it gently so it disappears and then continue taking a normal shower," explained the account owner.

Through the thread, the account owner also reminded to consult a specialist doctor if use has been more than 2 weeks. This is done to prevent possible irritation for those with sensitive skin.

It should be noted that Betadine Skin Cleanser is an antiseptic soap with 7.5 percent Povidone-Iodine content, which is formulated to cleanse the skin and kill germs that cause disease. Not a few use this product to treat acne and other skin problems.
