Now the actress can breathe a sigh of relief because she has a new car given to her by a businessman.

  30 Agustus 2024 13:20 - The alleged car embezzlement case by Edward Akbar is still ongoing. This was reported by Kimberly Ryder to the police after suing her husband for divorce. Kimberly said that there are 2 cars currently in Edward's hands.

"The problem is that the car is there, it's not that we don't have a car. There are also 2 cars, and he owns both of them," said Kimberly.

Due to the embezzlement, her children were forced to take public transportation if they wanted to travel. In addition, Kimberly also found it difficult to travel because she did not have a car.

However, recently good news came for Kimberly and her children. Now the actress can breathe a sigh of relief because she already has a new car given by a businessman.

After further investigation, the new car was given by Jhon Lbf thanks to Kimberly's work as a brand ambassador for his company since July 24. From the uploaded photo, a Toyota Avanza was the gift given to the mother of two.

"Alhamdulillah, the handover of a new car unit for @kimbrlyryder as Brand Ambassador went smoothly," wrote Jhon LBF as quoted by from Instagram @jhonlbf, Friday (30/8).

Kimberly shows off new car  Instagram


In her upload, Kimberly expressed her gratitude to Jhon Lbf and also to Sabar Tobing who had facilitated the provision of this car. With the car, Rayden and Aisyah, Kimberly's children, no longer have difficulty reaching their school.

"Thank you, @jhonlbf and @sabartobing_hf, for facilitating me with this car while I was the brand ambassador of May you continue to be successful," said Kimberly Ryder.

Kimberly shows off new car  Instagram


On the other hand, Edward Akbar has undergone an examination following Kimberly's report regarding alleged car embezzlement. Even so, the 39-year-old actor does not feel that he embezzled the car which he said was purchased after marrying Kimberly Ryder so that it was included in the marital assets.

When asked about the fate of his children who cannot ride a car to school, Edward Akbar felt it was not a big problem. Because by taking public transportation, it can increase the fighting spirit of his children in the future.

In addition, he also said that he has a habit of going by bicycle to work. So what his son did was not a bad thing.
