foto: Instagram/@kimbrlyryder

Edward Akbar was supposed to undergo an examination on Monday (5/8), but the person concerned did not attend.

  6 Agustus 2024 08:10 - Kimberly Ryder and her husband Edward Akbar's marriage journey is now at an end. Not only did she sue her husband for divorce, Kimberly also reported Edward for alleged car embezzlement. Responding to this, Edward's attorney, Jundri R, said that the report was not appropriate to attribute to his client.

Jundri said that the car was bought when Edward Akbar and Kimberly Ryder were married. Even though they think so, they do not want to pre-empt the legal process. This is because the alleged embezzlement case is still in the clarification stage.

"Actually, the property was purchased together. So in our opinion there was no embezzlement," said Jundri at the Jakarta Metro Police, quoted by from on Tuesday (6/8).

"But, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves because this is still in the clarification stage. Therefore, we will wait. Later, after checking, we will update again," Jundri added.

Edward Akbar requests postponement of examination  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kimbrlyryder

Jundri did not deny that the car ownership papers were in Kimberly's name. However, according to him, the car was bought when they were still together. Apart from that, he also believes that the costs incurred for purchasing the car used joint money.

"If I'm not mistaken, BMW, in 2021. The vehicle is still there. As far as we know, it's in Kimberly's name, but it was bought during the marriage period and it was at joint expense," said Jundri.

In fact, Edward Akbar is scheduled to undergo an examination as a respondent in alleged car embezzlement on Monday (5/8). However, Edward was reportedly unable to attend because his health condition was not good.

"Today was supposed to be a clarification agenda, but our client was unable to attend because his health condition was not good," said Jundri.

Edward Akbar requests postponement of examination  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kimbrlyryder

Apart from that, Edward actually wanted to focus more on the divorce process with Kimberly. Jundri also said that his client had several work agendas that had to be carried out. Because of this, his party submitted a request to postpone the investigation regarding the alleged embezzlement case.

"Yes, that's normal because there are several things that have to be done, right? After leaving Bali then going to Jakarta. In Central Jakarta too, we have to focus here. We have conveyed the postponement directly to the Chief of Police, to the chief of police then to Mr. Then, our sub-directorate has also met, he said.

Currently, the police have questioned NL, who is a witness in the alleged embezzlement case. The figure with the initials NL is known to be a close friend of Kimberly and Edward Akbar.

Edward Akbar requests postponement of examination  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kimbrlyryder

"For now the person being questioned is NL, he is a witness. So NL's relationship is that he is a close friend of KR and EA," explained Head of Public Relations for the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi.

Nurma also explained that he would forcibly summon Edward Akbar. This happens if the reported party does not provide information regarding his absence when officially summoned using a letter.

"So we are indeed summoned officially with a letter. But if we don't provide clear information, we can be summoned using force. So if the police are summoned twice, then a third time they will be forced, if there is no news from the party summoned," concluded Nurma.
