The health center in Garut did not indicate anything strange in the body of this man from Garut.

  29 Mei 2024 11:25 - A middle-aged man from Cijeler Kidul Village, Leuwigoong Village, Leuwigoong District, West Java has recently been in the spotlight. How could it not be, a man named Solihin, who is 51 years old, admitted that he had not been able to sleep since 2020. Something he experienced was truly rare because similar cases are rarely found.

"I haven't been able to fall asleep day or night since 2020. Even if I'm forced to sleep for a moment, I can't sleep," he explained, as reported by , reported by, Tuesday (28/5).

Solihin said that it all started with pain in his right ear which made it difficult to hear. Since then he started having difficulty sleeping . Medical efforts have been made, but to no avail. Solihin has tried various types of treatment, but nothing has succeeded in helping him sleep.

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years  2024 YouTube

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years
2024 YouTube/Liputan6

"I've gone to the community health center, Garut hospital and Bandung hospital, including taking various medicines but it still doesn't work, I still can't sleep," he said.

This condition of course had a big impact on Solihin's life. This man's body becomes weak and gets tired easily due to lack of sleep. This was expressed by Nur Sriwati, Solihin's daughter.

Sriwati said that currently her father is no longer able to carry out heavy activities. Currently Solihin only often watches TV or chats with local residents. However, for the child, this is a normal activity for the father because he is already middle-aged.

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years  2024 YouTube

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years
2024 YouTube/Liputan6

"My father's activities are just watching TV and chatting with residents and other families," he said.

"But sometimes I also experience weakness, and can no longer do heavy activities." Sriwati continued.

As a child, Sriwati initially admitted that she was shocked and couldn't believe the condition her father was experiencing. Moreover, his father often took sleeping pills. However, the father couldn't sleep even for a moment.

"I also didn't expect it, day and night you were never seen sleeping that long," added Sriwati.

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years  2024 YouTube

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years
2024 YouTube/Liputan6

The local health center found no indication that Solihin had a rare disease. Reporting from, the local health center said that Solihin only had hearing problems.

"After the results of the doctor's examination, we had to go to the ENT department, because of abnormalities in the ENT. So it's not a strange disease," said Yuyun Yuhendradeni, Head of the Leuwigoong Community Health Center.

Now Solihin has been awake for 4 years. During that time he also had to leave his job as a casual laborer. Even though this work is used as financial income for the family.

"From the first time he felt sick (difficulty sleeping) until now he can't do anything to earn a living," said his son.

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years  2024 YouTube

Garut man hasn't slept for 4 years
2024 YouTube/Liputan6

Apart from that, the cost of medication used to treat this rare disease has taken up a lot of Solihin's price. His various assets have now changed hands. Because of this, the family hopes that the government will have a helping hand to help their father.

Sriwati said she really wanted healing for her father. It is difficult for him to receive treatment continuously because his father does not have any health insurance facilities. Currently, the family's economic condition is unstable.

"Our family's economic condition also means they are unable to seek treatment anywhere," concluded Sriwati.
