foto: Instagram/@marissahaque

When checked, it turned out that Marissa Haque's body was no longer moving in her bed.

  3 Oktober 2024 17:10 - The chronology of Marissa Haque's death was revealed directly by her eldest daughter, Isabella Muliawati Fawzi or known as Bella Fawzi. Through a TikTok video upload on the @omelette account, Bella had just come home from filming that night. Upon arriving home, Bella found her mother in the room already unconscious.

It was reported that that night Bella and her father, Ikang Fawzi had just finished filming. Arriving home, Ikang Fawzi went into the room and checked on Marissa Haque who was known to be unwell. However, when checked, it turned out that Marissa Haque's body was no longer moving in her bed. Shocked by this, Ikang Fawzi immediately approached his daughter Chiki to check Marissa's heartbeat.

"I had just come home from filming at that time with my father. So at that time, my father entered the room first. Then he, Chiki, had just come home. He (Ikang Fawzi) told Chiki that her mother wasn't moving. So then Chiki went in and tried to hear her heartbeat and it turned out it wasn't moving. She came out and called me," said Bella Fawzi, quoted by from TikTok @omelette, Thursday (3/10).

Bella Fawzi reveals Marissa Haque's condition to various sources

Bella Fawzi reveals Marissa Haque's condition

According to Bella, her mother's weak condition when her body is down is normal. But that night, the family panicked. They immediately took Marissa Haque to the hospital for further examination. But unfortunately, when she arrived at the hospital, Bella Fawzi found that her mother had died.

"Because it's normal for mothers to drop like that, right? But this was different, so in the end I was taken straight to the hospital by car to Premier Bintaro Hospital. I followed because I had to lock it up first, right, so when I got there I was told I wasn't there anymore. The process was really fast," explained Bella.

Bella Fawzi reveals Marissa Haque's condition to various sources

Bella Fawzi reveals Marissa Haque's condition

On the other hand, Bella revealed that her beloved mother a week before she died was not feeling well or sick. It is known that at that time Marissa had experienced dehydration and high fever. Then received treatment in the form of an IV and finally got better.

"She was only sick a week ago, if I'm not mistaken, she was hospitalized. But she was only given an IV for a day because she was dehydrated and had a fever if I'm not mistaken. But after the IV, she (Marissa Haque) got better and was able to do her activities again," Bella explained.

Feeling that her body was fit again, Marissa then did her daily activities such as teaching. Unusually, Marissa did this teaching activity from morning to evening. Meanwhile, the family had also warned her to just rest at home.

"It's just that lately, he's been teaching from morning to evening. Meanwhile, he just got sick yesterday. We said that if you're sick, just rest for now. But he (Marissa) is still making him work because he feels better. Even though in reality he probably hasn't really recovered yet." he said.
