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Use this mask twice a week to get maximum results.

  13 Mei 2024 07:00 - The appearance of acne on the face is a common problem experienced by many people, especially during adolescence. However, overall the appearance of acne does not pose a danger to health. However, acne can reduce self-confidence because it usually appears red. Not to mention the pain which makes it uncomfortable. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to get rid of this skin problem.

Before talking further about how to get rid of acne on the face, you should know the cause first. As is known, acne is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of red lesions, bumps, or blackheads on the surface of the skin. Usually occurs in the face, neck, chest and back areas. Acne forms when skin pores become blocked by oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, which then causes inflammation.

The cause of inflammation comes from the bacteria propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria naturally live on the skin, but when pores become clogged, they multiply rapidly and cause inflammation, resulting in the appearance of inflamed acne.

That is the main cause of acne. To overcome this, there are several ways that are usually done. The first is to wash your face twice a day with a soft-textured cleanser to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells that can clog pores. Second, choose skin care products that do not clog pores (non-comedogenic) to prevent acne.

Lastly, avoid squeezing pimples as this can cause further inflammation and leave scars. Let acne break out naturally or you can also use an acne patch to help.

However, apart from using the method above, you can occasionally treat your face using topical methods. The treatment in question is using a scrub or mask made from natural ingredients. As done by a woman named Uzhra, she uses beetroot, curd and rice flour.

Beetroot, or better known as beets, is a type of tuber that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are good for the skin. Reporting from, Sunday (12/5) beetroot contains strong antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene which help fight free radicals and inflammation of the skin. The natural pigment content in beetroot can also cleanse toxins from the body while helping reduce acne and skin inflammation.

Apart from that, the vitamin C content in beetroot is also believed to help brighten the face and protect the skin from sun exposure. With this content, beetroot can also prevent the appearance of signs of aging, such as black spots.

Skin becomes clean with curd and rice flour.

Curd or yoghurt contains good bacteria called probiotics, as well as lactic acid and vitamins which are beneficial for skin health. The lactic acid in curd helps remove dead skin cells and cleans pores, thereby preventing acne. The anti-inflammatory properties of the probiotics in curd help relieve inflammation and redness associated with acne.

Rice flour has gentle exfoliating properties and can help cleanse the skin deeply. The fine particles of rice flour help remove dead skin cells and dirt from the surface of the skin, thereby preventing clogged pores that cause acne. Rice flour also has the ability to absorb excess oil on the skin, thereby helping reduce shine and minimizing the risk of acne.

Those are the benefits of a number of ingredients that you can get to get rid of acne. So how do you make and use a mask to get rid of acne? Below are the steps you can follow as summarized by from the Instagram account, Sunday (12/5).


This woman shares how to get rid of acne from various sources

photo: Instagram/

- 1 beetroot
- 2 tablespoons curd
- 2 tablespoons rice flour

How to make:

This woman shares how to get rid of acne from various sources

photo: Instagram/

1. Peel the beetroot.
2. Blend it and put it in a clean bowl.
3. Mix with curd.
4. Add rice flour.
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
6. This mask made from natural ingredients is ready for you to apply.

How to use:

This woman shares how to get rid of acne from various sources

photo: Instagram/

1. Make sure your face is clean first.
2. Apply the mask evenly to the face and neck area.
3. Leave it for 15 minutes.
4. Clean using normal water.
5. Use this mask twice a week to get maximum results.
