Who would have thought that this kitchen spice could help slow the growth of gray hair while also nourishing hair naturally

  3 Mei 2024 04:25 - As you get older, it's not just your face that changes. However, hair can change color to white or gray. We know this condition as gray hair that occurs in the head area. Often referred to as white hair, gray hair itself is formed due to the reduced ability of hair to produce melanocyte cells, which give hair its black color as we age.

Generally, gray hair will appear when a person has entered the initial phase of aging, namely around the age of 40. At that age, the appearance of gray hair will usually be accompanied by a decline in a person's physical condition. However, many conditions are also found where a person's hair has turned white even at a relatively young age.

Yes, in fact, gray hair can grow faster if someone often engages in bad habits. Smoking, for example, has been known to accelerate the appearance of gray hair due to the nicotine content which can damage the pigment formation process in the hair. It is even suspected that the stress factors experienced by a person can cause hair to lose its natural color quickly.

Hey, even so, those of you who are facing this problem don't need to be confused. The thing is, you can slow down and reduce the appearance of gray hair using only natural ingredients. One trick is to use red onion extract, as demonstrated by @heenaasachdeva24 and reported by on Thursday (2/5).

Shallots basically contain a natural compound called catalase. This compound plays an important role in helping break down hydrogen peroxide, a substance that can cause premature aging of hair. By reducing hydrogen peroxide, onions can help slow the growth of gray hair while deeply nourishing hair, thereby restoring hair growth and natural color.

How to get rid of fast growing gray hair from various sources


Apart from that, red onions are also claimed to be able to eliminate dandruff. Shallots have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help treat skin problems such as dandruff. Although there is no scientific research that specifically proves the effectiveness of shallots in eliminating dandruff, some people have used shallots as a natural ingredient in hair and scalp care.

By using the ingredients above you can get rid of gray hair. So how do you use and make it? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by from Instagram @heenaasachdeva24, Thursday (2/5).

Tools and materials:

1. 2 red onions (make sure they are large)
2. Blender
3. Empty spray bottle.

Working steps:

How to get rid of fast growing gray hair from various sources

photo: Instagram/@heenaasachdeva24

1. Peel the skin from 2 red onions, then cut them into small pieces.
2. Puree the onion pieces in a blender for a few moments.
3. After that, strain the crushed onion to get the extract.
4. Transfer the onion extract water into a small spray bottle.
5. Spray the solution from the base to the ends of the hair evenly.
6. Massage gently for a few moments, then leave for 15-20 minutes.
7. If you think it's enough, rinse using shampoo until it is clean of residue.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.