foto: YouTube/pihuofficials08

Repeat this trick approximately twice a week for more visible results.

  27 Februari 2024 19:10 - Everyone has probably experienced climbs in various parts of the body, such as the armpits, elbows, knees and neck. The appearance of climbs on the neck makes the appearance less attractive. Apart from that, the appearance of bumps on your neck can make other people think that you are a dirty person.

The appearance of bumps on the neck is caused by several factors. The first is the appearance of excessive sweat on the body. When you sweat, skin pores automatically open. This condition makes oil, dirt and dead skin cells trapped in the pores and causes the formation of claws.

The second factor is skin that lacks moisture. Dry skin can cause bumps to appear on the neck due to a lack of moisture and natural protection from the skin layers. When this moisture is lost, the skin tends to crack and is prone to causing cracks on the neck.

Meanwhile, the third factor that influences the emergence of climbing is the environment. Dry or windy climates can cause dryness of the skin, especially in sensitive areas such as the neck. Apart from being influenced by the weather, excessive exposure to sunlight can also make the skin dry. This condition will later cause skin climbs to appear in that area of the body.

You can reduce your self-confidence and get rid of the bumps on your neck in various ways. Such as cleaning the neck area regularly using soap with a soft texture and rinsing it with warm water. This step helps remove dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. The next step is to use moisturizer regularly after showering. The goal is to maintain moisture and prevent dry skin.

If you have done some of the treatments above, you can balance them with natural treatments. This time you don't need to mix it with aloe vera which is known to provide moisture, as a solution you can use alternative ingredients such as tomatoes, rice flour, curd and baking soda.

The ingredients commonly used for this dish have their own benefits and contents. Tomatoes contain malic acid which can help remove dead skin cells and clean pores, so it can help reduce acne. The antioxidant content in this fruit can also help reduce inflammation and improve overall skin health.

Then rice flour has a soft texture but is effective as a natural exfoliator. Using a facial mask or scrub containing rice flour can help remove dead skin cells and reduce acne.

The presence of curd or yoghurt in this scrub helps reduce inflammation and maintain skin moisture. The reason is, yogurt contains probiotics or good bacteria and lactic acid which can remove dead skin cells.

Meanwhile, baking soda has the same ability as rice flour which has exfoliating properties. This exfoliating ability helps remove dead skin cells and maintain skin pH. That way, baking soda can help reduce the formation of build-up and keep skin healthy.

Tomatoes help eliminate fine lines on the neck.

remove the climbs on the neck. various sources


Apart from helping to get rid of the bumps on the neck, another use of tomatoes is that they can prevent the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines on the neck. This is because tomatoes contain vitamins C and E which help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

The vitamin A content in tomatoes can also increase collagen production. As is known, collagen is a structural protein that maintains firmness and elasticity in the skin. By getting this content, fine lines on the neck can be disguised.

The water content in tomatoes helps maintain moisture.

Not only that, tomatoes are also high in water content so they can maintain skin moisture. Reporting from, tomatoes have a water content of 95 percent. Well, skin that is well hydrated tends to look fresher and prevents the appearance of fine lines.

After knowing the benefits above, are you interested in using this natural scrub to get rid of the bumps on your neck? Let's look at the steps for making and applying it below, as summarized by from the YouTube channel pihuofficials08, Tuesday (27/2).


remove the climbs on the neck. various sources

photo: YouTube/pihuofficials08

- 1 tablespoon tomato juice
- 1 tablespoon rice flour
- 1 tablespoon curd or yoghurt
- 1 tablespoon baking soda

How to make:

remove the climbs on the neck. various sources

photo: YouTube/pihuofficials08

1. Prepare a clean bowl and spoon.
2. Put tomato juice in the container.
3. Mix with rice flour and yoghurt.
4. Sprinkle baking soda on the scrub.
5. Stir until evenly mixed.
6. The scrub is ready for you to apply.

How to use:

remove the climbs on the neck. various sources

photo: YouTube/pihuofficials08

1. Clean the skin of the neck area first.
2. Apply the scrub evenly to the neck.
3. Leave it for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
4. Rub the scrub slowly.
5. Rinse using normal water.
6. Repeat the use of the scrub approximately twice a week for more visible results.
