foto: TikTok/dr.wahyutriasmara

If teeth are not cleaned regularly, dirt can accumulate.

  21 Februari 2024 10:10 - Radiating a smile with bright and clean looking teeth is an asset that must be maintained. However, sometimes problems such as the appearance of yellow stains on the teeth become problematic for a number of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are looking for tricks to whiten their teeth.

Talking about discoloration of teeth, this problem is usually closely related to poor oral hygiene. If teeth are not cleaned regularly, dirt can accumulate on the surface and over time it can change color. Not only caused by hygiene that is not paid attention to. However, the problem of yellow stains on teeth is influenced by a number of factors, such as:

1. Consuming certain drinks or foods.

Drinks such as coffee, tea and carbonated drinks can leave stains on teeth. Foods or drinks that contain strong pigments, such as curry or tomato sauce, can also cause discoloration.

2. Smoking habit.

The second factor is bad habits such as smoking. It is common knowledge that these cigarettes contain chemicals, especially nicotine and tar. This content causes the color of the teeth to change to yellow or brown.

3. Aging factor.

As a person ages, the enamel layer on these teeth can become thinner. This condition makes the yellow dentin layer more visible.

4. Genetic factors.

The final factor is genetics. This is one of the factors that has an important influence on changes in tooth color. The reason is that some people who have this genetic tendency have the opportunity to have teeth that are more yellow.

Even though it is not related to health problems, teeth full of yellow stains still make you less confident. For this reason, this trick for whitening teeth is very important for you to know. There is one trick to whiten your teeth, namely using natural ingredients. This trick for whitening teeth using natural ingredients was shared by a doctor named Dr. Wahyu Triasmara, which he uploaded via his TikTok social media @dr.wahyutriasmara, Tuesday (20/2).

"Baking soda to whiten teeth naturally," wrote Dr. Triasmara Revelation, as quoted from TikTok @Dr. Wahyu Triasmara, Tuesday (20/2).

Does baking soda whiten teeth ?

Tricks for whitening teeth recommended by doctors from various sources


In the video shared, the doctor wearing a blue shirt uses a natural ingredient, namely baking soda. Not only used as a mixture in the cake making process. It turns out that baking soda has hidden benefits for beauty, especially for whitening teeth.

"Make sure you use baking soda that is safe for use on teeth and does not contain dangerous additives," he added.

Reported by from healthline, Tuesday (20/2) baking soda has a number of benefits and ingredients for whitening teeth. Baking soda has the ability to reduce plaque and inflammation of the gums. This is because baking soda has fine grains which can reduce bacteria on the surface of the teeth and help prevent gum damage.

In addition, the acid content in baking soda can prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth. Gargling with a baking soda solution causes the pH in your mouth to increase, and this reduces the acidity. This condition causes baking soda to prevent the spread of bacteria, which can cause cavities or yellow teeth.

The abrasive properties of baking soda can whiten teeth, especially on the outside. But you need to know, according to Dr. This Triasmara Revelation does not recommend using baking soda too often. The reason is, too frequent use can damage the tooth enamel layer.

Tricks for whitening teeth recommended by doctors.

Tricks for whitening teeth recommended by doctors from various sources


After knowing some of the benefits of baking soda for teeth, here are some steps shared by Dr. Triasmara Revelation when using baking soda:

"Avoid brushing your teeth with lots of friction, it can damage the tooth enamel and don't use it every day. Because baking soda is abrasive and excessive use can damage your teeth. Make sure you stick to your dental care habits, such as brushing regularly," he explained.

1. Prepare baking soda and toothpaste
2. Apply a little baking soda and add toothpaste
3. Brush your teeth gently and slowly
4. Avoid excessive pressure, because baking soda has abrasive properties
5. Rinse your mouth with water until clean so that the remaining baking soda disappears
6. Use this trick at least once a week for daily maintenance routine.

@dr.wahyutriasmara Baking soda to whiten teeth? is it possible? #fyp #viral #samasamabelajar #drwahyutriasmara #foryou #belajartogether original voice - dr. Triasmara Revelation
