
This condition can get worse when the skin does not get enough moisture.

  22 Agustus 2024 12:10 - Cracked heels are a condition in which the skin on the heel of the foot experiences cracks or wounds that are usually accompanied by dryness and thickening of the skin. This problem is often caused by several factors, including dry skin, wearing inappropriate footwear, and excessive pressure on the heel area.

This condition can be made worse when the skin does not get enough moisture. The skin around the heels, which is often pressed and stressed from daily activities, tends to lose moisture faster than other areas of the body. Exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme weather can also cause dry, cracked skin.

Because it is quite disturbing to the appearance and can make uncomfortable when walking, it is no wonder that many people are looking for ways to smooth their cracked heels. Some people may use petroleum jelly to smooth their heels. In fact, there are other ways that are no less effective.

Smooth cracked heels using honey mixed with 1 type of kitchen spice. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@suemanja5

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @suemanja5, who uses honey mixed with 1 type of kitchen spice to soften the heels. The kitchen spice in question is garlic. Here's how to make and use it, which reported on Thursday (22/8).


- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tablespoons honey

Smooth cracked heels using honey mixed with 1 type of kitchen spice. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@suemanja5

How to make and use:

1. Peel the garlic then put it in a pounder
2. Mash the garlic until it is really soft
3. Add honey, then stir both until evenly mixed.
4. Apply to thoroughly cleaned heels.
5. Massage gently and let stand for 15 minutes.
6. Rinse with water until clean
7. Do this regularly 3 times a week to get smooth heels.

Smooth cracked heels using honey mixed with 1 type of kitchen spice. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@suemanja5

Garlic contains to treat cracked heels.

Garlic can treat cracked heels thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The allicin content in garlic provides antibacterial and antifungal effects. These contents are effective against infections or fungi that can often worsen the skin condition of cracked heels.

In addition, garlic also has the ability to stimulate skin repair and reduce inflammation, thereby helping the healing process of dry and cracked skin.

The benefits of honey for softening cracked heels.

Honey can help treat cracked heels thanks to its humectant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. As a humectant, honey has the ability to attract and retain moisture in the skin, which is essential for treating dryness and keeping the skin hydrated.

Its properties will help soften hard, cracked skin on the heels, thus supporting the healing process and reducing discomfort. In addition, honey contains antibacterial and antiseptic compounds that help prevent infection in skin cracks.
