foto: Instagram/@vee.mell

One cause is sun exposure which reduces skin elasticity.

  6 Mei 2024 13:10 - As you get older, facial skin that was originally tight can become saggy. When entering the aging phase, skin tends to lose collagen and elastin. Both are tissues that support the skin to remain firm, supple and youthful.

Decreased collagen and elastin in the skin causes sagging on the face, neck and other parts of the body. Apart from that, the muscles in the face can also weaken with age, causing sagging skin.

Another factor also comes from sun exposure which can reduce skin elasticity. Apart from that, sudden weight loss in a short time can also make facial skin saggy and no longer supple.

Even though a sagging face comes from aging and daily activities, you can tighten it by doing natural treatments. This method is as shown by beauty vlogger on the Instagram account @vee.mell. It can be seen in the short video upload that he uses yoghurt, oatmeal and turmeric powder. In this mask there is no additional egg yolk. You can also get the facial tightening ability of eggs from yoghurt.

Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). AHA can help exfoliate dead skin cells, stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells, and increase skin elasticity. Apart from that, the probiotic content in yoghurt can also help maintain the balance of skin microbiota and reduce inflammation.

Oatmeal has soothing and moisturizing properties on the skin. It also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help protect the skin from free radical damage and reduce inflammation. Using oatmeal as a light scrub can also help remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture.

Turmeric is a spice that contains the compound curcumin which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Reporting from, Monday (6/5) the curcumin in turmeric can help reduce skin inflammation, overcome acne problems, and increase collagen production. Topical use of turmeric can also help provide a natural glow to the skin and make it look brighter and more youthful.

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients above, are you interested in tightening sagging facial skin using natural ingredients? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by from Instagram @vee.mell, Monday (6/5).


This girl shares how to tighten sagging skin from various sources

photo: Instagram/@vee.mell

- 3 to 4 tablespoons of yoghurt
- 3 tablespoons oatmeal
- 2 tablespoons turmeric powder.

How to make:

This girl shares how to tighten sagging skin from various sources

photo: Instagram/@vee.mell

1. Prepare a clean container
2. Pour the yoghurt into the container
3. Add oatmeal
4. Mix with turmeric powder
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
6. You can now use the face mask.

How to use:

This girl shares how to tighten sagging skin from various sources

photo: Instagram/@vee.mell

1. Clean your face using face wash or micellar water
2. Apply the mask all over your face
3. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes
4. Clean the mask using water until clean.

Can yogurt clean your face?

Yes, yoghurt can be used as an effective natural facial cleanser. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which has mild exfoliating properties. The AHA content in yoghurt can help remove dead skin cells, clean pores, and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells. So directly, using this yoghurt can make your face free of acne, oil and blackheads.

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A post shared by @vee.mell

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.