foto: YouTube/@RaziqAfiqahHananActivity ;

One of the main causes of yellow dental plaque is the habit of cleaning the teeth and mouth which is not properly maintained.

  3 Mei 2024 10:10 - Yellow plaque on the teeth is a common problem that often interferes with a person's self-confidence and oral health. Dental plaque forms when bacteria in the mouth combine with food debris and saliva. This forms a sticky layer that sticks to the surface of the teeth. When plaque is not removed regularly, it can harden and form tartar which is more difficult to remove and can cause serious problems such as gum disease. To understand more about yellow dental plaque, you need to know the complete cause.

One of the main causes of yellow dental plaque is poor teeth and mouth cleaning habits. If food debris and bacteria are not removed regularly by brushing or flossing, plaque will form easily.

It is common knowledge that the mouth is one of the parts of the body used to process food and drink. So, consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar and acid, such as soft drinks, candy or fast food, can cause dental plaque to form more quickly. Sugar and acid damage tooth enamel and feed bacteria in the mouth.

Therefore, the first step you can take to get rid of yellow plaque on your teeth is to maintain cleanliness. One way is to combine cleaning products with natural ingredients. This method is like that done by a YouTuber named Raziq. In a video upload on the YouTube channel @RaziqAfiqahHananActivity, he combines toothpaste with lime and baking soda, without adding apple cider vinegar. This is because the content of apple cider vinegar, such as acetic acid, which can brighten teeth, is already present in limes.

Reporting from, Thursday (2/5) limes are rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and helps improve gum health. Vitamin C can also help prevent inflammation and relieve swollen gums. The citric acid in lime has astringent properties which can help clean the surface of the teeth from plaque and stains. The citric acid content also helps eliminate plaque-causing bacteria. The citric acid content can also help fade yellow plaque on teeth and increase the overall brightness of teeth.

Baking soda has weak abrasive properties that help remove plaque and stains on teeth without damaging tooth enamel. This makes baking soda a safe choice for cleaning teeth naturally. Baking soda has the ability to regulate the pH in the mouth, thereby creating an environment that is less favorable for the growth of plaque-causing bacteria. Baking soda is known for its ability to brighten teeth by removing stains and plaque that cause teeth to look yellow.

By using the combination of the ingredients above, it is believed that you can remove yellow plaque on your teeth. However, it is not recommended to use lime and lemon too often. Because some ingredients can make tooth enamel thin. Therefore, only use both ingredients sparingly. To make it, you can follow the trick shared by YouTuber @RaziqAfiqahHananActivity, as summarized by , Thursday (2/5).


How to get rid of yellow plaque on your teeth using lime from various sources

photo: YouTube/@RaziqAfiqahHananActivity

- 1/2 lime juice
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of toothpaste.

How to make:

How to get rid of yellow plaque on your teeth using lime from various sources

photo: YouTube/@RaziqAfiqahHananActivity

1. Provide a clean bowl
2. Add lime juice
3. Add baking soda
4. Mix with toothpaste
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
6. The potion is ready to be applied.

How to use:

How to get rid of yellow plaque on your teeth using lime from various sources

photo: YouTube/@RaziqAfiqahHananActivity

1. Take the brush that you usually use
2. Take a little potion
3. Use it to brush your teeth
4. Gargle with clean water
5. Repeat this trick regularly at least three times a week so that the yellow plaque disappears.

Bad breath blows away with lime.

Lime not only helps remove yellow plaque from teeth, but can also eliminate bad breath. This is because lime contains citric acid, which has antimicrobial properties. Bacteria in the mouth are often the cause of bad breath because they produce unpleasant-smelling compounds when digesting food debris. The antimicrobial properties of citric acid can help kill these bacteria and reduce bad breath.

The citric acid in lime can help balance the pH in the mouth. pH balancing is important because an overly acidic oral environment can increase the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.