foto:; TikTok/@fitsehat

Dark underarm skin is usually caused by hyperpigmentation due to shaving habits, use of deodorant and so on.

  15 Maret 2024 18:25 - As is known, the armpits are a folded part of the body that sweats easily. Because of this, the armpits often have an unpleasant odor or what is called body odor. This unpleasant odor occurs due to sweat mixed with bacteria. Apart from that, due to friction and dead skin cells that accumulate, the armpits are also prone to darkening and a rough texture.

Not only due to friction and dead skin cells accumulating, dark armpits are also caused by other factors, such as shaving your armpits incorrectly and exposure to chemicals from deodorants or antiperspirants. Dark underarm skin is often a problem for most people, especially for women who are considered to be detrimental to their appearance. However, the underarm skin color should be the same or not much different from the skin color around it.

Even though it is not a dangerous condition, the problem of smelly and dark underarms can reduce a person's self-confidence. So many are looking for solutions to overcome it. Start by using skincare products, getting treatments at beauty clinics, and using natural ingredients. Well, one of the skincare products that is commonly used is deodorant.

Deodorant is a skincare product that is formulated to treat body odor and reduce the production of excessive sweat in the armpits. Apart from dealing with unpleasant body odor, currently there are many deodorant products that contain lightening ingredients, as an effort to brighten dark underarms. But unfortunately, the chemical content in deodorant products often irritates the skin for some people.

Another solution, you can use natural ingredients to brighten and eliminate unpleasant odors in your armpits. As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @fitsehat on June 3 2023, which contains how to deal with unpleasant and dark underarms using lemon mixed with 1 kitchen ingredient. The kitchen ingredient in question is coconut oil.

" Natural way to get rid of underarm odor with herbal concoctions, " wrote the account owner in the description of the uploaded video, which quoted from the TikTok account @fitsehat, Friday (15/3).

Overcome unpleasant and dark underarms from various sources


Lemon contains to overcome underarm odor and brighten it naturally.

Lemon is a type of citrus fruit that is widely used to treat various skin problems . One of them is to brighten dark underarms and eliminate unpleasant odors. Reporting from Healthline, the acid content in lemon water can remove pigmentation on the surface of the skin. Lemon also has antiseptic content in it which can fight bacteria that cause odor in the armpits.

Apart from that, the acid content of the fruit can also fight bacteria that cause a buildup of dead skin cells that cause dark underarms. The nutritional content in lemons, such as vitamin C and antioxidants, is also believed to be able to help regenerate skin cells in the armpits while making them brighter, smoother and cleaner.

The benefits of coconut oil to brighten dark and smelly underarms.

Coconut oil is a kitchen ingredient that has various benefits, especially for skin beauty. Reporting from Healthline, coconut oil is a natural emollient that can maintain and protect skin moisture. Apart from that, natural oils are also effective in brightening the skin, fading dark spots, and evening out skin tone. One of them is the armpit. This is thanks to the various vitamins and antioxidants it contains.

Not only that, coconut oil can also function as an exfoliator. This is because coconut oil can clean dirt and dead skin cells that accumulate in the armpits. This oil can also inhibit the growth of bacteria due to excessive sweat production in the armpit area.

With just these two ingredients, you can make an underarm mask that is believed to be able to overcome unpleasant and dark underarms. Using this mask regularly will make your underarms evenly bright and anti-odor. Come on, see how to make and use it below.

Overcome unpleasant and dark underarms from various sources

photo: TikTok/@fitsehat


- Lemon to taste
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- Beauty cotton

Overcome unpleasant and dark underarms from various sources

photo: TikTok/@fitsehat

How to create and use:

1. Squeeze the lemon then add coconut oil
2. Stir the two ingredients until evenly mixed
3. Clean your armpits first from dirt, sweat and deodorant residue by washing them thoroughly
4. Dip cotton wool in the mask then apply to the armpits
5. Rub gently for a few minutes
6. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse with water until clean
7. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.

@fitsehat natural way to get rid of underarm odor with herbal ingredients #eliminate body odor #herbal #bauketiak #beauty original sound - FIT SEHAT
