foto: YouTube/motivationaldoc

As an alternative solution, you can prevent wrinkles using topical treatments.

  15 Maret 2024 06:00 - Every woman definitely wants to have facial skin that looks youthful , even though she is getting older. When you are over 20 years old, your skin begins to enter the aging phase. In the aging process, the skin shows signs such as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is certain that the appearance of wrinkles on the face is avoided by many people.

The appearance of wrinkles is a sign that the production of collagen and fat in the skin has decreased. For additional information, collagen is a protein whose job is to provide structure and elasticity to the skin. As a result of decreased collagen production, the skin begins to lose firmness and wrinkles begin to appear.

The aging process above can appear more quickly, if influenced by several factors related to daily habits. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is one of the main factors that triggers the appearance of signs of aging. The reason is that sunlight that is exposed to the skin continuously can damage the elastin fibers. As a result, the skin loses firmness and wrinkles easily.

In addition to sun exposure, repeated facial expressions such as smiling, frowning, and frowning can cause creases in the skin. Well, as we get older, these folds cannot return to their original state and eventually form wrinkles. There are several ways you can use to prevent wrinkles from appearing on your face.

One way is to use sunscreen regularly so that your skin is protected from sun exposure. Then, you can also care for your face using aging serum (antiaging). Well, this antiaging serum can indeed prevent signs of aging . However, as you know, this serum is usually priced at a price that can break your bank.

As an alternative solution, you can prevent wrinkles using topical treatments. This method is also recommended by a doctor named Dr. Mandell. In a video uploaded to the YouTube channel motivationaldoc, he recommends a natural ingredient, namely chocolate.

Behind its pleasure, chocolate has benefits for the beauty of your skin, you know. According to Dr. Mandell, this chocolate contains high antioxidants. This content is able to protect skin cells from free radicals and aging, including wrinkles.

Not only that, chocolate has the ability to improve blood circulation so it can hydrate the skin. With this ability, chocolate can indirectly make your skin moist and bright. Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory properties in chocolate help smooth, eliminate inflammation and increase collagen.

"You will get supple, glowing, smooth skin, eliminate pigmentation, and eliminate irritation. If you use it several times a week," explained Dr. Mandell, as summarized by from the motivationaldoc YouTube channel, Friday (15/3).

Those are the benefits of chocolate conveyed by Dr. Mandell, interested in trying this mask? Come on, see the steps shared by Dr. Mandell.


How to prevent wrinkles on the face from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- Water

How to make:

How to prevent wrinkles on the face from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

1. Prepare a clean bowl and spoon
2. Put the chocolate into the container
3. Pour some water
4. Mix all ingredients
5. The mask is ready for you to use.

How to use:

How to prevent wrinkles on the face from various sources

photo: YouTube/motivationaldoc

1. Apply the mask to the face that you have cleaned
2. Leave it for approximately 15 to 20 minutes or until dry
3. Clean the mask using plain water
4. Use this mask regularly, at least twice a week.

Chocolate masks can make your skin glow automatically.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants which can provide various benefits for skin health and help brighten the face. The flavonoid and antioxidant content, polyphenols and catechins are claimed to be able to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Well, all of these ingredients help repair damaged skin cells, so they are claimed to brighten facial skin.

The antioxidants in chocolate can also help protect the skin from damage caused by exposure to the sun's UV rays. Exposure to UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation and make skin look dull. By helping protect the skin from UV damage, chocolate can prevent excessive melanin buildup.
