Unhealthy lifestyle, sun exposure, and genetic factors can cause black lips

  15 Maret 2024 10:21

Brilio.net - In everyday life, the lips are one part of the face, which is always the center of attention. Lips are a part of the body that you can rely on, so that you can have self-confidence. Indeed, having a good shape and color of lips is a satisfaction for everyone. Unfortunately, black lip discoloration is a worrying problem.

A person who has black lips is usually identified as a smoker. Indeed, smoking is one of the causes of black lips. In one cigarette there are chemicals contained, such as nicotine and tar which cause pigmentation on the lips so they turn darker.

It's not just the habit of smoking that makes lips black. However, excessive sun exposure also triggers hyperpigmentation. This condition is caused by the lips not using lip balm that contains SPF, thereby increasing the risk of black lips. Another cause comes from genetic factors which play an important role. You need to know, some individuals may have a genetic tendency to have naturally dark or pigmented lips.

So, you can brighten your black lips again using natural treatments. Apart from not having to spend extra money, this natural treatment is no less effective than skincare products. This was demonstrated by a man who lightened his black lips using honey, glycerin and granulated sugar.

how to lighten black lips... various sources

photo: YouTube/Rohit Sachdeva

Through video uploads on the YouTube channel, the three ingredients used, namely honey, glycerin and granulated sugar, have their own benefits and ingredients for lip care. Honey has long been known for its moisturizing and antimicrobial properties. When used on the lips, honey helps maintain the skin's natural moisture, prevents dryness, and soothes chapped lips. In addition, honey's antimicrobial properties help fight minor infections or irritation that may occur on the lips, as well as speed up the healing process.

Meanwhile, glycerin is an effective humectant agent, which means it can attract and lock moisture into the skin. This ability means that glycerin can maintain moisture and brighten black lips.

The next ingredient, there is granulated sugar, which is useful as a natural exfoliator. The use of exfoliating this kitchen ingredient can remove dead skin cells on the surface of the lips, so it can brighten black and dry lips. Not only that, the exfoliation process with granulated sugar can also stimulate new skin regeneration. Therefore, this granulated sugar directly helps repair damaged skin on the lips.

All the benefits of these ingredients can produce results when used regularly throughout the week. Are you curious about how to make a scrub? Come on, take a look at the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from Rohit Sachdeva's YouTube channel, Thursday (14/3).

Materials and tools:

how to lighten black lips... various sources

photo: YouTube/Rohit Sachdeva

- 1 tablespoon pure honey
- 1 tablespoon glycerin
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- Bowl.

How to make:

how to lighten black lips... various sources

photo: YouTube/Rohit Sachdeva

1. Pour pure honey into a bowl
2. Mix with glycerin
3. Add granulated sugar
4. Stir all the ingredients until all the ingredients are evenly mixed
5. Honey scrub is ready to use.

How to use:

1. Apply the scrub to the surface of the lips
2. Do the scrub by rubbing it slowly, for a minute or two
3. Clean your lips using plain water
4. Dry using clean tissue
5. Repeat the use of the scrub regularly, so that you can get a natural red color.

Is honey effective in healing chapped lips?

Honey is a natural medicine that is always relied on to keep your lips from getting dehydrated. Reporting from greenherbology, Thursday (14/3) this honey contains hygroscopic properties which can attract moisture to your lips.

This content is believed to be able to moisturize, disinfect lips, and help heal chapped lips and wounds. Not only does it treat chapped lips, honey has natural antibacterial properties that can protect the skin. The antibacterial properties of honey are claimed to be able to treat wounds on the lips.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.