It turns out that it's not just leftover food, the habit of smoking and eating strongly flavored foods can cause bad breath.

  16 Juni 2024 11:00 - Bad breath is generally caused by the habit of rarely brushing your teeth and a lack of oral hygiene. Apart from reducing self-confidence, oral problems can also disturb the comfort of the sufferer and other people.

Reporting from Healthline, bad-smelling breath is usually caused by bacteria that grow because food remains stuck in the teeth. The remaining food will then release sulfur compounds which cause the mouth to smell bad.

If left untreated and not cleaned immediately, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more. So, the development of these bacteria will mix with saliva, forming plaque and hardening into tartar.

Apart from food waste, bad breath can be influenced by other factors such as smoking, eating strong-smelling foods, digestive diseases, and serious medical conditions.

To overcome this condition, many people use mouthwash as a way to make their breath fresher and odor-free. However, this method is less effective, because it only disguises the smell without eliminating the bacteria that develop in the mouth.

Get rid of bad breath using lemon and cinnamon powder from various sources

photo: TikTok/@toprecipes.1

Another solution, you can use natural ingredients. As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @toprecipes.1, who uses lemon mixed with 1 type of spice. The spice in question is cinnamon powder. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @toprecipes.1, Sunday (16/6).


Get rid of bad breath using lemon and cinnamon powder from various sources

photo: TikTok/@toprecipes.1

- 1 glass of warm water
- 1/2 lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

How to create and use:

Get rid of bad breath using lemon and cinnamon powder from various sources

photo: TikTok/@toprecipes.1

1. Squeeze a lemon into a glass filled with warm water.
2. Add cinnamon powder then stir until evenly mixed.
3. Use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
4. Do this repeatedly until the water in the glass runs out.
5. Rinse using normal water afterwards.
6. Do this regularly every day to get breath that is free of bad odor.

Lemon content to eliminate unpleasant breath odor.

The natural antibacterial content in lemon is effective in eradicating the bacteria that cause bad breath to multiply. Not only that, the pH which tends to be acidic in citrus fruits is also able to maintain oral and dental health.

Even if used regularly, lemon will make your mouth fresher, free of bad breath, and naturally white. Thanks to this content, lemon can also inhibit or prevent the growth of bacteria that cause yellow teeth and annoying bad breath.

Eliminate bad breath using lemon and cinnamon powder  2024


Benefits of cinnamon powder to freshen bad breath.

Cinnamon powder is a spice that is claimed to be able to prevent the formation of dental plaque, tartar, cure canker sores, and prevent unpleasant breath odor. Cinnamon has several ingredients, including tannin, eugenol, and coumarin. Thanks to these ingredients, this spice is beneficial for oral and dental health.

@toprecipes.1 Eliminate bad breath naturally with this home remedy. #healthyrecipes #homeremedies #naturalremedy #badbreath #homeremedy #original recipe sonido - Top Recipes
