
You can still prevent these signs of aging when you reach your 20s.

  14 Juni 2024 14:10 - Human skin experiences aging as we get older. Usually this aging begins to occur when a person reaches the age of over 35 years. The appearance of aging is characterized by fine lines, wrinkles and crow's feet. However, you can still prevent these signs of aging when you reach your 20s.

There are various treatments you can do, from using antiaging products to undergoing Botox treatment at a beauty clinic. However, this treatment is not priced cheaply, even though the benefits are immediately visible.

Well, now there are natural treatments such as Botox that you can use to prevent aging. One way is to use a Botox mask made from natural ingredients. This step was shared by a girl named Velia. By uploading reels on the Instagram account @velia.cola, he uses chia seeds, milk and aloe vera. According to Velia, these ingredients make the face look youthful.

So, are you curious about how to make a Botox mask to prevent signs of aging on your face? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below:


how to prevent signs of aging on the face. various sources

photo: Instagram/@velia.cola

- 4 tablespoons chia seeds
- 1 cup whole milk
- 4 tablespoons of aloe vera.

How to make:

how to prevent signs of aging on the face. various sources

photo: Instagram/@velia.cola

1. Put the chia seeds in a blender
2. Pour in whole milk
3. Add aloe vera
4. Blend until smooth and evenly mixed
5. Pour into a clean bowl
6. The mask is ready for you to apply.

How to use:

how to prevent signs of aging on the face. various sources

photo: Instagram/@velia.cola

1. Make sure your face is clean
2. Spread the mask evenly on your face, if there is still mask left, apply it to your hands
3. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes
4. Rinse the mask using plain water
5. By using a Botox mask regularly, your face will become bright and firm.

Benefits of natural ingredients to prevent signs of aging.

The natural ingredients used to make Botox masks are chia seeds, whole milk and aloe vera. The three ingredients that are usually used as ingredients in food mixtures actually have benefits for the skin.

The first ingredient is chia seeds, this natural ingredient is believed to prevent signs of aging. Launching from vibrant skin bar, Friday (14/6) chia seeds contain antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E which help regenerate skin cells. Therefore, it can prevent signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Meanwhile, the omega-3 content in chia seeds helps kill acne-causing bacteria.

Meanwhile, pure milk is also believed to prevent signs of aging on the face. Reported by from, milk contains vitamins A, D and E, as well as antioxidants. All of these ingredients are believed to help protect the skin from exposure to free radicals. That way, milk can prevent signs of aging such as fine lines.

The last ingredient is aloe vera which is claimed to prevent signs of aging. Quoting from Healthline, aloe vera can reduce wrinkles on the face. The reason is that aloe vera is able to increase collagen production. This makes the skin smooth, firm and wrinkle-free.

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A post shared by Vera Meliana (@velia.cola)
