foto: YouTube/@praktisi-deepasahni

This fruit can be used as a mask that functions to exfoliate the skin.

  1 April 2024 09:00 - Having smooth and flawless facial skin is everyone's dream, including women. The reason is, a smooth face makes your appearance look more attractive. Not only that, a smooth face also makes facial makeup stick easily and is not easily damaged. Unfortunately, having a smooth face sometimes has to deal with rough skin problems.

Usually gradient or rough facial skin is caused by several factors. The most common is a lack of moisture which makes the skin dry and feel rough. In addition, lack of skin care causes dead skin cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin. This condition makes your skin feel rough, even looking dull.

Another factor comes from acne which leaves scars or pockmarks. By knowing the factors that cause rough or grading skin, you can find ways to smooth rough facial skin with the right steps. Well, one method that you can use is to care for your skin using the exfoliation method.

You can use a scrub made from natural ingredients to exfoliate . Usually the natural ingredients used are bananas and yogurt which can soften rough skin. The vitamin E content in bananas can help moisturize the skin, while the lactic acid from yogurt can remove skin cells well.

But you don't just have to use these two ingredients, you can use other ingredients like what a beauty vlogger does via her YouTube channel @praktisi-deepasahni. Through a short video on his YouTube channel, he uses one type of fruit, namely beetroot, combined with curd and besan flour.

Beetroot contains antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and regenerate skin cells. The natural pigment content in beetroot can help provide brighter and more even skin , reducing hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Beetroot also contains high water content and can help keep the skin hydrated, making the skin smoother and softer.

The lactic acid in curd helps gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and smoothing the skin texture. The probiotic content in curd helps reduce inflammation of the skin which can help relieve conditions such as redness and irritation. The fat and protein content in curd helps keep the skin moist and has a calming effect on irritated skin.

Meanwhile, besan flour has a fine texture and contains small particles that help remove dead skin cells, making it an effective natural exfoliant. The presence of protein and B vitamins in besan flour can provide additional nutrition to the skin and help increase skin brightness and elasticity.

By knowing the benefits of each ingredient, are you interested in using a scrub to smooth rough facial skin? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the steps below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @praktisi-deepasahni, Monday (1/4).


How to smooth rough facial skin from various sources

photo: YouTube/@praktisi-deepasahni

- 1 beetroot
- 1 tablespoon curd
- 1 tablespoon besan flour

How to make:

How to smooth rough facial skin from various sources

photo: YouTube/@praktisi-deepasahni

1. Peel the beetroot fruit
2. Puree using a grater
3. Mix with besan flour
4. Pour the curd into the container
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
6. Scrub is ready to be applied

How to use:

How to smooth rough facial skin from various sources

photo: YouTube/@praktisi-deepasahni

1. Before application, clean the face and neck area
2. Apply the scrub evenly to the face and neck
3. Wait for 15 minutes
4. Rub gently
5. Rinse the mask using plain water
6. Dry using a towel or tissue
7. Continue using skincare so that your skin doesn't dry out
8. Use this scrub regularly three times a week.

Smooth and acne-free face with besan flour.

Besan flour not only makes facial skin smooth. This natural ingredient has other benefits, namely preventing the appearance of acne. Reporting from, this besan flour has good oil absorbing properties.

Regular use of besan flour as a facial mask can help control excess oil production in the skin, which is one of the main factors causing acne. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation of the skin. The anti-inflammatory content can also treat irritated skin and swelling caused by acne.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.