foto: Instagram/@respzaidulakbar

The skin of this fruit contains many antioxidants.

  1 April 2024 04:30 - The appearance of fine lines on the face is a sign of aging that is often unwanted. But before rushing to deal with it, it is important to understand that aging is a natural process that is inevitable for everyone. However, certain factors can speed up the appearance of fine lines.

One factor that can trigger premature aging is sun exposure. Exposure to UV rays damages collagen and elastin in the skin, proteins that keep skin firm and elastic. As a result, the skin loses its firmness and begins to develop fine lines and wrinkles.

Not only exposure to sunlight, smoking habits can also reduce blood flow to the skin and cause oxidative damage. This triggers the breakdown of collagen and elastin, thereby accelerating the appearance of signs of premature aging, including fine lines around the mouth and eyes.

Lack of proper skin care, such as not using sunscreen, not cleansing your face properly, and not using moisturizer, can cause the skin to lose moisture and lose its ability to repair itself. This can cause fine lines to appear earlier.

Although fine lines are a natural part of the aging process, there are various steps you can use to prevent this process. This includes using sunscreen every day, avoiding excessive sun exposure, quitting smoking, managing stress well, and maintaining a care routine such as using antiaging cream.

Not only external care, you can also prevent fine lines from within. One of them is drinking a potion made from dragon fruit skin. Dragon fruit skin contains many antioxidants, such as betacyanin, betasianidin, and flavonoids.

How to prevent fine lines so that your face stays youthful from various sources

photo: Instagram/@respzaidulakbar

Reporting from, this antioxidant can help fight oxidative damage caused by free radicals which can damage collagen and elastin in the skin. Dragon fruit skin also contains important nutrients such as vitamin C which is needed for collagen production.

Meanwhile, the water content in dragon fruit can help moisturize the skin from within. Well-hydrated skin tends to have a healthier appearance and avoid fine lines.

So that the benefits of dragon fruit skin are more effective, mix it with two natural ingredients, namely honey and chia seeds. Honey contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. These two ingredients can help fight oxidative damage that causes skin aging, including fine lines.

Honey also has natural antibacterial properties that help cleanse and protect the skin from bacterial infections, keep skin healthy, and prevent damage that can cause fine lines.

Meanwhile, chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body and stimulate collagen production, keeping skin firm and elastic. Chia seeds also contain antioxidants such as vitamin E which helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and reduces the risk of fine lines forming.

After knowing the benefits of each ingredient, are you interested in consuming concoctions to keep your face youthful? The following are the steps for making an antiaging drink as reported by from the YouTube channel @respzaidulakbar, Sunday (31/3).


How to prevent fine lines so that your face stays youthful from various sources

photo: Instagram/@respzaidulakbar

- Dragon fruit skin to taste
- Water
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon honey

How to make:

How to prevent fine lines so that your face stays youthful from various sources

photo: Instagram/@respzaidulakbar

1. Peel the skin of the dragon fruit.
2. Clean the outer layer of dragon fruit skin.
3. Wash until clean.
4. Thinly slice the dragon fruit skin.
5. Put it in a pan and boil for 15 minutes.
6. Remove and pour into a new container while filtering.
7. Add chia seeds and honey.
8. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
9. Drink warm and consume regularly to keep your skin youthful.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.