
The melasyl content is predicted to become a trend in the skincare industry.

  26 Juli 2024 09:10 - Melasyl or undecylenoyl phenylalanine is an innovative active ingredient that is increasingly popular in the skincare industry. This ingredient is the result of biotechnology research which was developed to overcome hyperpigmentation problems and brighten the skin. Melasyl is an amino acid derivative specifically designed to target the process of melanin formation (the pigment responsible for skin color).

Melasyl works in a unique way and is different from other skin lightening ingredients. Instead of simply inhibiting melanin production melasyl works at a cellular level by affecting the tissue between skin cells. Specifically, melasyl inhibits the activity of -MSH (alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone), a hormone that stimulates melanin production.

What is melasyl various sources


Quoted by, Thursday (25/7) from research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, melasyl reduces the transfer of melanin from melanocytes to keratinocytes (a process that plays an important role in skin pigmentation). By interfering with this process, melasyl is effective in reducing hyperpigmentation and overall brightening of the skin.

Benefits of melasyl for the skin.

Not only does it have brightening benefits, melasyl contains antioxidant properties. You need to know, these antioxidant properties help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals which can accelerate skin aging and worsen hyperpigmentation. Quoting from an in vitro study reported in the journal Experimental Dermatology (Imokawa et al., 2015) shows that melasyl can protect skin cells from oxidative stress.

Meanwhile, regular use of products containing melasyl can help improve overall skin texture. By reducing excess pigmentation and stimulating skin cell turnover, melasyl contributes to smoother, more even skin.

What is melasyl various sources


One of the advantages of melasyl is its high level of safety. Unlike some other skin lightening ingredients which can cause irritation, melasyl is generally well tolerated by various skin types, including sensitive skin. A safety study reported in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (Draelos et al., 2013) confirmed the good safety profile of melasyl.

Use of Melasyl in Skincare Products.

Melasyl can be found in various skincare products, including serums, creams and essences. The melasyl concentration in these products typically ranges from 1% to 3%. For optimal results, it is recommended to use products containing melasyl consistently for at least 8-12 weeks.


It is important to note that although melasyl is effective in brightening the skin, the use of sunscreen is still very important. Sunscreen helps prevent the formation of new pigmentation and protects the skin from UV damage.

Comparison with Other Brightening Ingredients.

Compared to traditional skin lightening ingredients like hydroquinone, melasyl offers a safer and more natural approach. While hydroquinone has been associated with some side effects and is restricted in use in some countries, melasyl has no similar restrictions and is considered safe for long-term use.

Research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (Katoulis et al., 2014) compared the effectiveness of melasyl with hydroquinone in the treatment of melasma. Results show that melasyl has comparable effectiveness to hydroquinone, but with a better safety profile.

Recommendations for skincare products containing melasyl.

1. Glycolic Bright Melasyl Serum.

Glycolic Bright Melasyl Serum is a serum that contains 8% melasyl, glycolic acid, and niacinamide. All of these ingredients can brighten the skin and reduce black spots. For IDR 200 thousand you can get Glycolic Bright Melasyl Serum.

2. La Roche Posay Mela B3.

La Roche Posay Mela B3 is one of the skincare products that contains melasyl. La Roche Posay Mela B3 is claimed to be able to overcome hyperpigmentation problems. The presence of other ingredients, namely niacinamide, glycerin, and hyaluronic acid can make the skin moist and the skin barrier protected. You can get La Roche Posay Mela B3 starting from IDR 500 thousand.
