foto: TikTok/;

Product ingredients can affect the structure and function of the skin, causing inflammation.

  19 Juli 2024 07:25 - Cosmetic products can really make your face beautiful and appear attractive instantly. But unfortunately, not all beauty products produced are safe to use on the type of skin you have. Some beauty products may contain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions on the face.

For those of you who are just trying a new product, before buying a new product you need to do a test first on several parts of your skin, such as your hands. If you don't do a test first, your face could experience allergies or irritation. You need to know that facial skin is a part that is susceptible to allergies or infections. This is because the product content can affect the structure and function of the skin, causing inflammation.

irritation to the eyes after using concealer  2024 TikTok

irritation to the eyes after using concealer

Apart from inflammation, using makeup such as concealer can also cause allergic reactions in the form of eye infections. This situation is like what happened to a man named Fikay. Through uploads on the TikTok account, initially Fikay used makeup such as concealer and cushion to support his daily appearance.

"Yesterday I was really allergic to concealer and also some cushion products. The point is that tea is for all of it or not, so those of you who want makeup have to be careful," said Fikay, quoted by from TikTok, Thursday (18/7).

irritation to the eyes after using concealer  2024 TikTok

irritation to the eyes after using concealer

Instead of his appearance becoming attractive, Fikay actually experienced an infection in the eye area which looked red on the sclera. It's enough to make it uncomfortable because it causes a very itchy feeling. Finally, Fikay had his eyes checked at the clinic. Fikay received further treatment with eye drops.

"Personally, yesterday I felt really sleepy. But my eyes were really red every time I used concealer, I don't know why," said Fikay.

According to him, eye infections were caused by substances from makeup products that were not suitable for his skin. Fikay suspects that this may be due to the makeup formulation being too pigmented.

"Maybe it's too heavy. Fill it with concealer or cushion. I don't know, previously I used concealer a lot, used makeup tips because I often meet people and I often stay up late, my panda eyes are big," he said.

irritation to the eyes after using concealer  2024 TikTok

irritation to the eyes after using concealer

Even though he has received treatment from professional staff, every time he uses concealer, Fikay's body experiences fever, shortness of breath and flu. According to him, these symptoms occurred for three days.

"There I really didn't really understand. Who knows, there are dermatologists here who really understand or not, you know why," he added.

The video upload received various comments from netizens. There are even those who feel uncomfortable when wearing makeup like Fikay.

"Yes, that's right, I experience this every time I put on make up, how come it feels uncomfortable like I'm so sleepy, even though I get enough sleep, anyway every time I put on make up for a few hours then I feel sleepy, my face just feels tired," wrote the account @.

"Same, really experienced this using Pixy BB cream," added a comment from the account @ML18.

"Even if it doesn't work hard, then if you use eyeliner with a pencil like a crayon, your eyes won't immediately turn red, is there anyone else like that???" Respond to the @ account again.

"Really, I'm the witness," wrote the account @Angkasajuna.
