
Understanding the content of skincare is the key to achieving the desired results.

  23 Juli 2024 21:10 - In the increasingly complex world of beauty, understanding skincare ingredients is the key to achieving the desired results. As the beauty industry develops, various skincare products with various active ingredients have flooded the market, offering solutions to various skin problems. But behind these promises of miracles, important facts are hidden that are often overlooked. You need to know, not all skincare ingredients can be mixed or used at the same time.

The wrong combination of skincare ingredients can not only reduce the effectiveness of the product, but also have the potential to cause serious skin problems. From mild irritation to severe allergic reactions , the risks posed by mixing ingredients should not be ignored. This is why knowledge about skincare ingredients that should not be mixed is very important for every skincare product user.

Some of the most commonly avoided ingredient combinations include vitamin C with retinol and benzoyl peroxide with retinol. Apart from that, there are still a number of active ingredients that should not be used together. So, what skincare ingredients should not be combined? The following is the information as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (23/7).

1. Vitamin C and Retinol.

The skincare ingredients that you need to avoid mixing are vitamin C and Retinol. These two ingredients should not be combined because they have different pHs and can reduce each other's effectiveness.

The effect can cause skin irritation and reduce the benefits of both ingredients. So, the solution is you can use vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night.

2. Benzoyl Peroxide and Retinol.

Benzoyl Peroxide and Retinol also shouldn't be used together, you know. This is because benzoyl peroxide can reduce the effectiveness of retinol, causing excessive irritation and dryness on facial skin. As a solution, you can use benzoyl peroxide in the morning and retinol at night.

3. AHA/BHA and Retinol.

Many people dream of brightening their face, sometimes they use AHA/BHA or retinol to make it glow. But did you know? AHA/BHA and retinol cannot be mixed during application. This is because these two active ingredients are strong exfoliants and are too harsh for the skin if used together.

If you continue to mix these two active ingredients, the impact can cause irritation, redness and excessive skin peeling. As a solution, you can apply AHA/BHA and retinol on different days or different time periods.

skincare ingredients that cannot be combined from various sources


4. Niacinamide and Vitamin C.

Niacinamide and vitamin C can indeed make your face bright. However, you are not recommended to mix niacinamide and vitamin C. This is because combining the two skincare ingredients can reduce each other's effectiveness and have the potential to cause redness.

The effect may be to cause flushing or redness of the skin. As an alternative way use niacinamide and vitamin C at different times or on different days.

5. Glycolic acid and Azelaic acid.

For those of you who frequently use exfoliating products, you may already be familiar with glycolic acid and azelaic acid. The use of these two ingredients should not be combined because it can make the skin red, peel, dry and cause a feeling of stinging. So, so that your skin doesn't experience irritation, you can use glycolic acid and azelaic acid on different days to get optimal benefits.

6. Vitamin C and AHA/BHA.

Vitamin C and AHA/BHA also cannot be mixed. Indeed, vitamin C and AHA can cause problems such as faded black spots. However, do not occasionally mix the two because it can cause irritation and reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C.

If you want to use both products, use vitamin C in the morning and AHA/BHA in the evening or on different days.

7. Retinol and Salicylic Acid.

Retinol and salicylic acid should not be combined, this is because both can irritate and dry the skin if used together. The impact is that the skin becomes excessively dry and irritated. You can use retinol and salicylic acid on different days or different time periods.

8. Essential Oils and Strong Acids.

Essential Oils and strong acids such as AHA and BHA cannot be used together. You need to know, essential oils can increase skin sensitivity to acids. The effect can cause irritation and unwanted skin reactions. Therefore, you need to avoid using essential oils together with strong acids.

9. Vitamin E and Benzoyl Peroxide.

Benzoyl peroxide can oxidize vitamin E, reducing its effectiveness. The effect on the face can reduce the antioxidant benefits of vitamin E. Therefore, you can use vitamin E at night and benzoyl peroxide in the morning.

skincare ingredients that cannot be combined from various sources


10. Hydroquinone and Benzoyl Peroxide.

Hydroquinone and benzoyl peroxide cannot be used together, because there is a risk of causing skin discoloration, such as the appearance of black spots. Not only does it cause pigmentation, the mixture of these two ingredients also makes skin tone uneven. As an alternative, you can consult a dermatologist first before using hydroquinone and avoid using it simultaneously with benzoyl peroxide.

11. Copper Peptides and Vitamin C

You should also avoid ingredients containing copper peptides and vitamin C when using skincare products together. The reason is, copper can oxidize vitamin C, thereby reducing its effectiveness. In fact, other side effects can also reduce the antioxidant benefits of vitamin C. So as a solution, use copper peptides at night and vitamin C in the morning.
