
Mercury is often added to skin whitening creams because of its ability to inhibit melanin production

  24 Juli 2024 21:11 - Skincare has become an integral part of many people's self-care routine. However, behind the beauty promises offered by skin care products, hidden dangers lurk, one of which is the presence of dangerous ingredients such as mercury .

This toxic chemical is still found in several skincare products , especially products sold illegally or without official permission. Mercury is often added to skin whitening creams because of its ability to inhibit the production of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color).

The results make the skin look brighter in a short time. However, the long-term effects are very dangerous for health.

Exposure to mercury through the skin can cause various serious health problems. Starting from skin irritation, rashes and changes in skin color, to kidney damage, and even death in cases of severe exposure. More worryingly, mercury can penetrate the placenta and harm the fetus in pregnant women.

Even though the use of mercury in cosmetic products has been banned in many countries, including Indonesia, this dangerous substance is still circulating on the market. Illegal or counterfeit products often contain mercury levels that far exceed safe limits. Unwary consumers can easily fall into the trap of buying these products, especially when tempted by instant results.

So that you are not tempted by the results, let's look at the information about the dangers lurking as summarized from various sources, Wednesday (24/7):

1. Kidney damage

Dangers of mercury skincare from various sources


Mercury can cause serious damage to the kidneys because this heavy metal is filtered through the kidneys. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Wednesday (24/7) the accumulation of mercury in the kidneys can disrupt kidney function and cause chronic kidney disease. Symptoms are characterized by lower back pain, swelling in the feet and ankles, fatigue, frequent urination, especially at night.

2. Nervous system damage.

You need to know, mercury can damage the central and peripheral nervous system. Mercury exposure can cause neurological disorders, including tremors, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, and motor disorders. Meanwhile, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of nervous system damage are tremors, memory loss, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety.

3. Skin damage and irritation.

Dangers of mercury skincare from various sources


The use of mercury in skincare can cause contact dermatitis, skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation. It can also make the skin more susceptible to infection and irritation. Quoting from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), symptoms of skin damage are characterized by the appearance of redness, itching, rashes, open wounds.

4. Systemic effects on the body.

Long-term use of mercury can cause systemic side effects on the body. The reason is, mercury can enter the bloodstream and cause damage to various organs and body systems, including the immune system, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Health disorders according to the World Health Organization (WHO) are characterized by the body experiencing fatigue, muscle pain, digestive problems, decreased endurance.

Dangers of mercury skincare from various sources


How to deal with skin exposure to mercury

If you have started to be exposed, there are ways to overcome it. The first is to stop using skincare products that are suspected to contain mercury. Second, see a health specialist to carry out evaluation and treatment with the right method.

Third, do detoxification. In cases of severe mercury exposure, the doctor may recommend chelation therapy. This chelation therapy helps remove mercury from the body.

The next way is to carry out regular kidney function tests if you are exposed to mercury to detect kidney damage as early as possible.

The final way is that you can report various products containing mercury to local health authorities for further action. This step can help other users regarding which skincare products contain mercury.
