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“My little toe was absolutely crushed by the end of the day. I wonder if they're (women) finding it really painful, too."

  30 Mei 2016 14:04

Brilio.net/en - Its been all over the news in United Kingdom: a woman has been fired for not wearing heels at her workplace. In order to support her and denounce this incredibly unfair obligation, the free British Magazine Stylist suggested to men to voluntary experiment what it would feel like to wear high heels during a full day.

The 2-minutes video is available below that shows what their day looked like:

As you can see, the experience starts in a very fun way but at the end of the day the assessment is brutal: not only absolutely none of the men would retry the attempt but they all agree on the fact that wearing heels was extremely uncomfortable, unpractical and painful. Despite the fact that they were wearing thick socks, they also all noticed the apparition after only one day, of blisters and rubbing, the typical effects of high heels.

Lee, one of the volunteers, became like the others participants a supporter of the womens cause. He told the magazine about the physical effects he suffered from after his day with heels, that all women experiment in their lives: My little toe was absolutely crushed by the end of the day. Now when I see women wearing heels I wonder if they're finding it really painful, too

Men wear high heels  2016 brilio.net

Image via today

In UK, the employment law firm Thompsons confirmed that it is perfectly legal to dismiss members of the staff who fail to live up to reasonable dress code demands. After this experiment, it would be interesting to clearly define what is meant under the term reasonable.

Thats the current fight of Nicola Thorp, who started a petition after being accused of wearing flat shoes at her temp job when high heels were the house rules. She gained 140.000 signatures so far, but is facing a difficult statement according to which the companies are free of choosing the kind of image they want to send to their partner and client. No one can indeed deny the importance of the look of the staff when it comes to that matters. However, who is to say that one cannot look professional without a suit and heels? Maybe we simply need new fashion trends.



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