foto: YouTube/@vazoachmad

Placing slices of this fruit over the eyes can provide a refreshing sensation that helps reduce swelling and has a relaxing effect.

  16 Mei 2024 20:10 - Most people have probably experienced panda eyes or darkening of the color around the eyes. The condition of panda eyes can make a person look tired and look dull. The causes of panda eyes can come from various factors, one of the main causes is fatigue or lack of sleep.

When a person doesn't get enough rest, the skin around the eyes becomes pale and appears darker because the blood vessels under the skin become more obvious. Apart from that, lack of sleep can also cause fluid retention which makes the area under the eyes swollen, making shadows and dark circles appear more prominent.

Genetic factors also play an important role in the appearance of panda eyes. Some people naturally have thinner skin around the eyes, making the blood vessels under the skin more visible. Genetics can also affect the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, causing hyperpigmentation around the eyes.

Apart from that, the age factor also contributes to the appearance of panda eyes. As we age, the skin loses collagen and elasticity, making the skin thinner and the blood vessels beneath it more visible. Aging also causes a decrease in fat and collagen in the area around the eyes which can deepen shadows under the eyes.

Not only that, other factors such as excessive sun exposure can also cause increased melanin production around the eyes. This condition can also worsen the appearance of dark circles. Therefore, using sun protection or sunscreen and sunglasses can help prevent further damage to the skin around the eyes .

Apart from using sunscreen, you can also get rid of panda eyes by using a natural mask like that done by a man named Vazo. By uploading a video on the YouTube channel @vazoachmad, the man appears to be using one type of fruit, namely cucumber combined with aloe vera gel.

Cucumber and aloe vera gel are often used for facial care, especially the eye area. The reason is, these two natural ingredients have ingredients that are effective in making your face glow and eliminating panda eyes. Cucumber also has a cooling effect that can soothe tired and swollen skin.

Placing cold cucumber slices over the eyes can provide a refreshing sensation that helps reduce swelling and provides a relaxing effect. Cucumbers also contain antioxidants and flavonoids which help reduce irritation and inflammation. The vitamin K content in cucumbers is believed to play a role in reducing the appearance of dark circles by increasing blood circulation in the area.

The high water content in cucumbers is very useful for maintaining skin moisture. Well-hydrated skin tends to look brighter and healthier, which helps reduce the appearance of panda eyes. Meanwhile, aloe vera gel is famous for its moisturizing properties. As is known, the skin in the eye area is very thin and prone to dryness.

Using aloe vera gel can help maintain skin moisture, preventing dryness which can worsen the appearance of dark circles. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help reduce swelling and inflammation around the eyes, making it useful for treating puffy eyes that often accompany panda eyes.

Aloe vera is claimed to contain antioxidants, including vitamins C and E which help fight free radicals and rejuvenate the skin. Vitamins C and E can also help brighten the skin around the eyes, reducing the dark appearance caused by hyperpigmentation.

The antioxidant content helps remove wrinkles

Aloe vera gel contains antioxidants, such as vitamins C, E and beta carotene. This content not only brightens panda eyes, but is also beneficial for the skin in the eye area to treat wrinkles. Reporting from, antioxidants help fight skin damage caused by free radicals which can speed up the aging process and the formation of wrinkles.

By protecting the skin from oxidative damage, aloe vera helps keep the skin young and healthy. So how do you make and use it? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the tutorial below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @vazoachmad, Thursday (16/5).


show how to get rid of panda eyes from various sources

photo: YouTube/@vazoachmad

- 1 cucumber
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- 2 pieces of cotton

How to make:

show how to get rid of panda eyes from various sources

photo: YouTube/@vazoachmad

1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly
2. Cut into two parts
3. Puree using a grater
4. Put it in a bowl, strain it and squeeze it until the water comes out
5. Mix with aloe vera gel
6. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
7. The eye mask is ready for you to use.

How to use:

show how to get rid of panda eyes various sources

photo: YouTube/@vazoachmad

1. Make sure the skin in the eye area is clean first
2. Cut two pieces of cotton
3. Insert cotton into the mask
4. Stick it on the lower skin area
5. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes
6. Rinse using normal water
7. Dry using tissue or a clean towel
8. Repeat the use of the mask regularly at least twice a week.
