
The materials needed are easy to get!

  8 Juli 2024 10:26 - Having beautiful and youthful skin is a dream for a number of people, especially women. They maintain beautiful skin by using various skincare series with various formulas.

But it's not just about maintaining the beauty of your skin from the outside. Skin health also needs to be cared for from within, one of which is consuming collagen drinks.

Collagen drinks are useful supplements for maintaining elasticity and moisture, so that the skin becomes firmer and wrinkle-free. Not only that, collagen drinks are also able to stimulate collagen production in the skin.

Now many beauty brands produce instant collagen drinks. But beyond that, you can make collagen drinks from fruit or natural ingredients .

This method is like that used by Instagram user @anggya_, he seems to use pineapple and lemon. The two ingredients are then mixed with others such as purple cabbage and ginger.

So, are you curious about how to make a collagen drink from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the tutorial below as summarized by from Instagram @anggya_, Monday (8/7).


how to make collagen to prevent premature aging.  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@anggya_

- 2 purple cabbages
- 1 lemon
- 1 pineapple
- 1 segment of ginger

How to make and consume

how to make collagen to prevent premature aging.  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@anggya_

1. Slice purple cabbage, lemon, pineapple and ginger
2. Put all the ingredients into a blender or juicer
3. Blend all ingredients
4. Pour juice or natural collagen drink into a glass
5. Consume every day so that you get the skin beauty you want.

Benefits of pineapple and lemon to prevent aging.

Pineapples and lemons are usually used to mix food or drinks, which have health benefits for the body. But beyond that, pineapple and lemon have benefits for skin health, you know.

Reporting from Healthline, Monday (8/7) pineapple contains vitamin C which can increase collagen production. The antioxidant properties in pineapple help prevent skin cell damage caused by free radicals. Not only that, vitamin C helps speed up wound healing by increasing the production of new skin cells.

Meanwhile, lemon also contains vitamin C which is believed to brighten the skin. According to bebeautiful, lemons have astringent and antibacterial properties which are claimed to reduce excess oil on the skin. In addition, the L-ascorbic acid in lemons has a drying and antiseptic effect which is useful in fighting acne.
