
No need to buy collagen products at a skincare shop, you can mix them yourself from fruit that is easily found in the market

  30 Juni 2024 18:00 - When you enter your 30s and above, signs of aging usually begin to appear. These signs of aging include fine lines, dark spots and wrinkles. Not only that, the skin usually looks dry and dull.

Often the signs of aging appear more quickly because they are caused by several factors. The most frequently experienced by a number of people is exposure to ultraviolet light.

Exposure to ultraviolet light can damage the elastin tissue in the skin. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines appear on the skin. Apart from triggering the appearance of signs of aging, excessive sun exposure also has a high risk of developing skin cancer.

So, so that your skin is not continuously exposed to sunlight, you need to use sunscreen during outdoor activities. Use sunscreen from morning until 15.00 in the afternoon.

Apart from using sunscreen, you also need to care for your skin's beauty from within. As did a woman named Puspita Kumala. By uploading reels on his Instagram account, he takes care of his skin from the inside by regularly consuming a collagen drink made from a mixture of cucumber, pineapple, lemon and ginger.

So, the way to make this collagen drink is simple. But for those of you who don't know how, let's look at the steps below as summarized by from Instagram @puspitakumala_, Sunday (30/6).


This girl shares recipes for making collagen from various sources

photo: Instagram/@puspitakumala_

- 800gr cucumber
- 400gr pineapple
- 1 lemon
- 1 segment of ginger.

How to make:

This girl shares recipes for making collagen from various sources

photo: Instagram/@puspitakumala_

1. Cut all ingredients into small sizes
2. Put it in a blender or juicer
3. Add a little water and blend
4. Pour into a glass
5. Collagen juice is ready for you to consume
6. Consume collagen juice every day to maintain skin beauty and avoid signs of aging.

Benefits of cucumber and pineapple to prevent aging.

Cucumber and pineapple are two types of fruit that not only have benefits for body health. It turns out that these two types of fruit have benefits for skin beauty, one of which is preventing aging. Cucumbers contain antioxidants that can prevent wrinkles.

Reporting from healthline, Sunday (30/6) cucumbers contain vitamin C and folic acid. All of these ingredients are able to stimulate the growth of new cells. Not only that, the presence of folic acid can fight toxins that can cause premature aging.

Another ingredient, namely pineapple, is claimed to be able to prevent signs of aging such as black spots. Reporting from Healthline, pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. This content has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

All of these ingredients are able to produce collagen, so the skin looks bright and youthful. Not only that, all of these ingredients are able to fight free radicals and speed up wound healing by producing new skin cells.
